
Cricket and bodybuilding?

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how can u do both like myself being a fast bowler i have to run continuosly for my bowling spells and stay on the field all day from 9 to 5 and u dont get to eat much except the lunch after each innings and so u burn more calories than u can i gain weight????




  1. The stronger you aer the better bowler you will be (when combined with good practice and coaching), so strength training is a crucial part of a fast bowlers training plan.

    That said, bodybuilding is a less effective method than power based training. So if you are able to get to the gym, use a bodybuilding gym for the free weights and do lots of multi-joint, power based movements as the core of your program.

    As for eating, focus on 'clean' foods (natural, whole carbs, fat and protein in balance) and eat as often as you can.

    If you literally play every day it may be beneficial to take a 3-6 month break from cricket to build your strength levels up. Typically this can be done in the off season.

  2. I've never seen anyone lifting weights whilst playing Cricket - sounds dangerous to me - what if you need to drop the weights quickly so that you can cath the ball or bat?

  3. both i think...for a person to have a good personality he shd be a good bodybuilder as well as a good player also....

  4. - Protein shakes ----- I would drink the shake in two rounds, rather than just drinking it in one go, so you can drink before your lunch, and then before you go to gym

    - Increase your fat intake, I understand it wouln't help with Abs, but during increasing energy demands, energy is converted from fat resources as well, so rather than cutting your fat intake to 7%, take at least 10%

    - Your body breaks down protein as well during vigorous exercise, so increase protein intake, shakes are excellent but

    incorporate other resources as well, if you're a vegetarian it can be hard, however meat isn't the best way

    - increase your carb intake as well, especially every few intervals eat a snack, eg banana, or protein bar etc

    - Drink plenty of water, instead of energy drinks, it will have the same affect but will also help your body synthesis energy

    - Don't RUN for warm ups, instead sprint. You will notice runners are thin, but sprinters have muscles, it's b/c more fat & less protein is burned, in comparison to running.

    - Eat yogurt for breakfast (trust me), so organic yogurt, you can mix sugar or honey and eat a bowl every day.

    - OK here's a tip, before you go to sleep, drink a cup of warm milk, with a table spoon of pure honey in it. It really relaxes you, and helps restore your energy.

    - I'm sure you know this but you should only exercise (weights) 3/4 times a week, your muscles need to relax. It also helps gain muscle.

    - Snacks, snacks, snacks eg every hour or so eat a bite or two, keep replenishing your carbs, so energy is synthesized from carbs, not proteins. I think the best are protein bars (one with good protein and carb source). Make sure they are organic and not just full of sugar or additives. Check it is good source of fiber as well, only eat one or two bites but frequently.

    - The meals you have time for, make sure they are balanced.

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