
Cricket care?

by  |  earlier

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Am I doing anything wrong? For my crickets I keep them in a styrofoam container with a length of about 1 ft and a height of about 1 ft 3 in. I have a bowl with oatmeal and a bowl with apples and potatoes. I have a small hide plus some egg carton things and a half of a toilet paper roll. They have a milk cap for a water dish. Also, They keep climbing to the top so when I open it they jump out. Is there a better setup or a more slippery container for them? Thanks!




  1. Try plastic tanks

  2. This is what i keep my crickets in and I like it but any container should be alright just make sure to use water gel or a sponge soaked in water for your crickets as they can drown in a bowl of water.

  3. I breed all my crickets. I use a large plastic tub with holes in the lid. Inside I put a little bowl of crickets feed and a few toilet paper rolls and another bowl of semi wet vermiculite. As for water I use a little plastic plate and a paper towel folded four times so its a square. I bought a little food container that has noodles in it. The lid is red and already has four holes in it. Fill it up with water put the lid on it and turn it upside down on the papertowel and that is perfect for the crickets to get there water. If you have any question email me and ill go into more detail about the setup.

  4. u can always use a rubber maid tub

    with holes drilled on the top

    i personally use

    10 gal tank

    which i got for 10 bucks at petsmart

    paper towel on the bottom

    with egg cartons and tolie paper roll things

    i use orange^3

    for food(water, vitamins )

    also i throw some unsalted crackers in

    and a dish filled with moist dirt to lay their eggs in

  5. Use a CLEAR Sterlite tub.   I use the CLEAR 106 quart size and it holds 500 adult crickets easily.  I put "CLEAR" in all capitals because the crickets can climb the colored tubs (learned the hard way).  You can buy the tubs at Big Lots! for about 8 bucks each.  If you don't have a Big Lots!, try WalMart or some place like that.

    Also, I wouldn't keep standing water...not even in a tiny lid.  Use moistened paper towels or water gel.  Another big "no no" is keeping a lid on your crickets.  Lack of ventilation will kill crix faster than just about anything....then there's the smell!!  

    I keep 500 adults in one tub and 1500 1-3 week crix in another tub.....uncovered in the CLEAR Sterlite tubs.....I never have escapees!!

    If you're into breeding crix, you can use the smaller 10-12 qt Sterlite containers as breeding boxes.... they work great
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