
Cricket drills to do alone?

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I want to improve my batting technique before team practice. What are some good cricket batting drills and fielding drills to do alone?

(if you have any website with illustrations, please share!!)





  1. to improve fielding find a wall and throw a ball agaisnt it. What i do is use a large bouncy ball as it comes off the wall very quickly. One good technique is to throw the ball at an angle then run to pick up the ball and repeat.

    For high catches throw the ball high in the air and practice your catching technique

    For batting throw a ball agaisnt a wall and practice batting technique to hit it. ie. concentrate on playing with a straight bat. If you want you can use a golf ball or a thin bat to improve your concentration on the ball

  2. there is no such technique the main thing is to concentrate on the ball and play it in the right direction for feilding u have to increase ur reflex moves throw the ball on a wall in front of u with force in any direction then try catching it

  3. if youve got a little brother or sister, get them to throw a tennis ball in the air or anywhere and see if you can catch that, i do these for fielding practices

    but if your on your own i suppose you could chuck a ball around anywhere in mid air and see if you can catch it, maybe add a bit of spin when throwing it.

  4. I think the Don used to hit a golf ball against a wall with a stump to improve his hand-eye co-ordination.

  5. run around in a circle

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