
Cricket!! hepl plz?

by  |  earlier

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hi guys does ny one kw a goood cricket coach not too expensive and near leyton, east london

or a cricket coaching acadmy not a club for matches only for coaching

thnks and have good day




  1. i can play without coach

  2. There is a local cricket ground at Leyton and I suggest you contact them with regard to coaching. Usually local cricket clubs carry out coaching at various age levels and by joining a club you would get first class coaching most probably for free.

    They could also put you in touch if you required extra coaching, at least by going via a cricket club you would know that you were getting the best coaching available.  Also a number of local clubs have arrangements with their County side for coaching etc as well as reduced admission fees at County games.

    You could if good enough pregress from your local club to a County side.

  3. I dont sorry. 2 more points tho

  4. no coach required for cricket
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