
Cricket preperation tips?

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hi i am playing a school cricket match and i am looking for tips to help me to prepare for the game





  1. watch a few inspiring matches, listen to those inspiring songs (champions or game of love and unity) and believe in yourself.

    God Bless

  2. be confident of yourself .. what i like a lot about cricket is how the momentum swings in seconds .. so until the last ball is played don't lose hope

    as for the physical part ... light jog ... stretch .... ask some to throw the ball at you and swing it a hundred metres away .(helps concentration confidence and hit power.) and if your a bowler take anything as  a wicket and try to hit it a few times .(not full pace though .. use just 10% of ur normal speed) ... and the classic for fielders ... take a tennis ball .. throw it at a wall and try to catch it when it bounces back....

    i did that around 5 or 6 hours before any match and it helped me a lot

  3. My own, slightly obsessive, preparation starts early and keeps going right the way through the match. I’m big on routine and feel more relaxed when I know exactly what I‘m doing.

    Psychologists have found this is true for most people to some degree. Not only does a pre-set routine groove your skills, it also helps you feel in control of the situation, relax and be less likely to make mistakes from being too tense.

    It’s all down to how much confidence you have in yourself to perform on minimal preperation. Or how much you care about having a good game.

    One exception to this rule is warming up. It’s been proven in many studies that a proper warm up prepares you better physically for sport performance: Warmed up players can run faster, throw harder, are less likely to be injured and more mentally switched on to the game.

  4. I am a girl and I also play cricket for the boys team.! It is sometimes scary when we play all those private schools who are up themseleves. I also play for Kent girls team,  kent is my county. So before the match have some throw downs, working on your forward defence. When you get out on the pitch look around. See were the gaps are aswell. Then ask for midddle and make sure your relaxed before you start playing. When you start the over, play straight and dont go for silly runs. When it finally gets going, your off the mark and you have around 10 runs start hitting harder and going for more runs...this depends were about in the match you are batting. If you get out just work on the shot that you slipped up on and perfect it. I hope I helped. 10 points maybe?!

    Good Luck


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