
Cricket problem!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i checked up on my crickets like i do every day, taking out the dead ones and adding more food and cricket water if needed and then i noticed 2 dead crickets that i have missed for about a week or longer. And flies just started comming in the container!! They're the size of a fruit fly, what are they?!? Are they harmful to my leopard geckos because they're spreading throughout the house cause i noticed them in the bathroom and some near my mealworm colony! Should i be worried about this at all, oh and i already threw the whole cricket container away in a dumpster nearby since it was only about 20+ crickets left in there.




  1. YEEEEEEEEESSSS take ur gecko to the vet emidiatley those are mites or ticks or something like that it could kill ur geckos or gecko try to get rid of them asap

  2. they wont do anything just anoying.  dont take your animal to the vet.  that is  a good way to kill your animal

  3. flys will often lay there larvas in the heads of other insects so that as they grow they get fed. hang fly strips
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