
Cricket question?

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Having only recently come to live in Australia, I wonder why nobody has thought of having a cricket'State Of Origin', like in league?How do you think this would go?




  1. But we'd loose Katich back to the Sandgropers Binga, fair swap I guess.

  2. I dont think it will go too well..

    There is not enough strength just with in the States to put forth that sort of competition..

    And NSW have all the top name players anyway(Dont you Binga)...

  3. Yes Slash, but we would get Gilly! As he was born & began his cricket in NSW. lol It probably wouldn't work though,too much cricket now.

  4. NSW would be unbeatable I think so it would be a waste of time.

    The way it is is better so we can share our NSW players around to make the comp more even (LOL)

  5. well i see where your coming from, but i dont think it would work cos your average cricket watcher is just gonna ask "whats the difference between State of Orgin Cricket and the regular state comp that we have now? (and truthfully, i dont think it would be much different at all)" and if it doesnt seem diferent then there will be no interest in it

    i just dont think theres any "market-demand" for it, tho i dont how much that matters anyway, i mean look at the AFL, people and players want Orgin footy to comeback, but we still cant get it cos the clubs wont let it happen and that really sucks, cos theres nothing better than seeing the Vics get beat (thats gonna get some comment LOL)

    EDIT: you know what Binga, i hadnt thought of that one (i no longer live in NSW, but thats still where my loyality is), you do make a point there that i had missed
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