
Cricket type of insect

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Theres this small insect, that is common in my house for some reason, it looks like a fly at first when it flies, but when it rest, its like a really small cricket. it's completely black, and it's hind legs are position just like a cricket, but the problem is is that, it doesn't jump with those legs, they just walk and fly around, sometimes they make buzzing noises too. can someone help identify this insect for me. lol thanks ( they seem to be harmless too, and their composed of 2 segments only, not 3 like an ants, its thorax i think, or the end of that insect lol the butt part >.<, usually moves up and down rapidly when it rests)





  2. It actually probably was a cricket. A lot of crickets actually can fly, although it&#039;s not a commonly known fact. It is probably a species that has migrated from somewhere else into the US which is why you wouldn&#039;t have seen it before. probably from china or something. everything here comes from china now. lol :p. but anyway, i did some research and found that a lot of bait shops are selling &quot;house cricket,&quot; or Acheta domesticus. a few of which will have escaped and established themselves in the environment. so that&#039;s probably what you&#039;ve been seeing, or something like it at least. hope i&#039;ve helped. :)

  3. You have a locust. Basicly they are a flying grasshopper or cricket

  4. Best sites to ID bugs -
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