
Crickets in garage???

by  |  earlier

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there must be 2-3 male crickets im hearing in the garage and one is making a really loud high pitched sound, almost like the beeping a smoke alarm makes and hes making it about every minute.. is it attracting female crickets or something?




  1. Yes, he's communicating to females. "Hey, here I am girls!" and also announcing his territory, "This is my area, back off". Crickets have other chirps that have different meanings. Temperature also affects the chirping. (Increased temps leads to higher rate of chirps)

    Please see link below for some way cool information.  

  2. They are advertising to females. Be careful of this as well: If one of them is chirping regularly and then starts chirping a lot faster, it means it has recognized that there is a female nearby. It may then go silent for a few minutes. This means it is about to mate. And that isn't good. Soon after that you'll have a few hundred little things hopping around.
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