Let's say you had the choice between two theoretical futures:
A) We let all criminals out of prison. We stop looking for those not caught yet. However, you'd be guaranteed that they won't ever commit another crime. Crime rates will be at zero. (Yes, this is unrealistic. Please just accept it as given for the purpose of the thought experiment.)
B) You are guaranteed that every single criminal is eventually caught and punished. However, crime rates would remain at the same level they are at now. (Again, please just accept this as a premise of the though experiment.)
The question now is: Which future would you prefer?
We could make the scenarios a bit more realistic by changing them slightly:
A*) Most criminals get caught, some don't. Those caught each spend one year in some kind of treatment facility where they are treated well, are educated and are taught social values. They enjoy this time, are better people afterwards and are unlikely to commit a crime again. Crime rates are low. (Again: Please just accept this for the experiment.)
B*) Most criminals get caught, some don't. Those caught each spend years in prison, where they are punished, humiliated, raped. This time is a horrible experience for them. When they get out, they are often in worse condition than before. Many of them continue to commit crimes. Crime rates are high. (Again, you know the story...)
Which scenario would you prefer? A* or B*?
What this boils down to is: What is more important to you, a safe society or punishment of criminals?
And as bonus questions:
If you chose B*:
Let's again consider two scenarios (independent of the previous ones):
C) Someone rapes a girl, is never caught, but also never commits a crime again. He leads a happy life afterwards.
D) Someone rapes a girl, continues to rape girls afterwards, is eventually caught and put in jail for decades.
If you had these two (theoretical) scenarios to choose from, which one would you prefer? If you chose D), would you reconsider if you knew your daughter was among the later girls?
If you chose A*:
Which scenario do you think our current situation is closer to, A* or B*? And what could we do to move it closer to A*?
Again: Please try and see these as theoretical scenarios and discuss them accordingly. Please don't say something like "But this is unrealistic!" or change the scenarios by writing something like "But he would certainly rape again if he did it once!".
I hope we'll have an interesting discussion...
P.S.: I expect some people to mention the importance of punishment as a deterrent. Please consider that once someone has committed a crime and got caught the deterrent already failed. And in light of our current prison population and crime rates the deterrent doesn't seem to be very effective. In this thought experiment, deterrent is not an issue because crime rates are considered given for the different scenarios.