
Crimes and kids?

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With all this 'yob' culture we're hearing about. Children getting drunk or high on drugs and kicking people to death etc. Who's to blame? The parents for their lack of responsibiltiy, the media, children's games, bullying from other children. Or do you think these types of children are innately evil?

Just thought i'd open a discussion up on what people think on this subject. I have my own opinions, would like to hear yours.




  1. Maybe it is down to the video games but ultimately it's down to the parent for not supervising their kids, the parents often buy 18 rated games for 8 year olds.  Then it's down to basic parenting, that does not mean giving birth and feeding, it's way more than that.

    Knowing where your child is, setting rules and boundaries, stopping them hanging out with the bad crowd, all things that bad parents say they can't do, yet all things that parents of well behaved kids do naturally.

    There may be the odd psycho, but generally the yare a product of their parents.

  2. I think alot of it is down to poor parenting. Kids have alot more 'stuff' now, and alot of parents don't know how to say no. Always getting what you want, when you want it makes you self centred and arrogant. I think that this leads to a lack of respect for others. Also, there are less definite consequences for bad behaviour. When these kids commit 'minor' offences, they get no more than a slap on the wrist. Hardly a deterrent. However, I also think that some people are just born with the wiring a little loose. The two kids involved in the Bulger case for example.

  3. evil jerks

  4. My honest opinion is that the problem with today's kids is the complete lack of respect for anyone or anything. I blame the parents. When I was a kid, if I talked back one of two things happened, depending on what was said. Either I got back handed or my mouth was washed out with soap. If I had an attitude, I was punished for it, not told "oh puberty is so hard, isn't it?"

    I am not saying that every kid is bad. In fact, I'm trying really hard to raise my two with values and morals. There are just those ones, though. The other problem is the sense of entitlement these kids have today. The world owes them everything because..............because why? I work hard for my money, you need to learn to do the same!

    I recently heard of a little boy (maybe 6 years old) who attacked his teacher, and over-powered her when she tried to restrain him. She, of course, let go, got the principal, and didn't touch the kid again. The little boys grandmother said two things that irritated me. The first was that it's not her fault the kid acts that way, the school should be doing  a better job of keeping him entertained. WHAT?!?!? The second thing she said was that if the teacher can't handle a little boy that gets rough, she needs to find a different job. WTF!?!? I thought that teachers were there to give our kids a fair chance at an education, so they can be productive members of society someday? Did that change somewhere along the line?

    I'm not sure how much the media has to do with these problems. I mean I know they aren't helping matters, but does the violence and drug-use get glorified on the six o clock news? Or is it just in the movies, tv, ect.? What the media does do, however, is under-report the good things we have going on in society. I know that good news doesn't sell, but still!

    Other than those things, I can't think of much more to add right now. Good question by the way!

  5. I think that it all begins at home and the lack of discipline in society now just encourages bad behaviour!

  6. I'll agree with you  its the society and the d**n parents  all the education and all the right help comes from home, not outside and also the surroundings when i say that i mean your friends, games does not tell you to go and abuse old people or kick the h**l out of them and anybody else you see on the street you dint like .

    The children are forgetting that one day they are going to get old and it might be their turn to get their *** kicked and how are they going too feel or their family , will they think hang on a second i did something like this when i was very young and its coming back to me and i dint like it .

    you cannot blame the government or the local councils saying there is nothing for the kids to do , even if you dint have anything too do , there is lot of things they can do , now days they have all this computers , games , look for jobs, even if they go and does some volunteer work for few hours I'll bet they will feel good about them shelves ,

    I have grown up here i came when i was 11 years old not a word of an English , i made some friends, we did not go out and did all this things that these kids does now days , if we got caught our family would make our lives h**l .

    we were never taught too be nasty or do wrong things , never stole or hit on old people  or broke peoples properties ,

    I am ashmed to be british  and living in a cruel and a very sad and horrible surriendigs , its about time the goverment stood up and said enough is enough any more crime from any young ones they are going to throw the keys away and just lock them up and make sure that thier parents knows about it name them and shame them in the local papers , shave thier heads off and parade them on a donkeys back with a plakerd saying i am guilty    and i am sure this will be very affective and it will make them think twice but of course if they dont care about the communtiy  than i am not sure it will work  but unless you dont try you never know kids will think twice about doing crimes they will tell them shelve we might get caught and get a donkey ride and people will laugh at us and our family

  7. We reap what we sow.
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