
Criminal is this?

by  |  earlier

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is this a intruder? a person enters through a unlocked door of a portable classroom at night comes inside and steals a tweeter from the classroom




  1. Breaking and entering with the intent to steal, or Tresspassing and burglary.

  2. What you describe is a burglary.

    However, if he walked in an unlocked door just to stay warm or something (without the intent of committing a crime), he's trespassing. He'd no doubt be charged with attempted burglary anyway and then he'd have to convince a judge or jury otherwise.

  3. No this not an intruder, is a good friend looking for you to say hello   hahahah

  4. This depends on how the cops look at it. Was this person allowed in the school? Why was this person there? Where were they SUPPOSED to be? And then they can say, ok we are charging this person with, unlawful entry, breaking and entering (although its not breaking and entering since the door was unlocked), Theft, trespassing, burglary,

    And BTW ANYONE thats goes were they weren't invited or asked to be is an intruder... There are different types of intruders.

    Example: Your sibling opens the bathroom door and comes in while your showering, this is intruding. but Its not illegal.. You just get to scream

    Someone was invited to a party but not given an ok to go into the kitchen. Trespassing BUT not illegal because he was invited to the party.

    See what I mean?

    Hope this helps

  5. unlawful entry (the door was unlocked) possibly tresspassing and theft

  6. The crook just seize the moment. It is still theft and trespassing
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