
Criminal ischief ? two 13yearolds see crime but didnt tell anyone are they liable for damages?

by  |  earlier

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the kids who seen it were on the other side of the street, and news the boys, police are tring to charge them cause they did nothing to stop the crime nor did they report it out of fear/confusion. Are they guilty of the crime , are they culbable as an accesory? Please help




  1. If what you say is true and accurate, this is absolutely ridiculous.

    I recommend that you call and interview some criminal defense attorneys.

    No person has any legal obligation to get in between some criminals to prevent a crime. The would be rescuer could become a victim himself.

    However, if the kids who were standing on the other side of the street were friends of the criminals it could be argued that they were accessories to the crime, and not mere bystanders.

  2. What was the crime? Murder-understandable, public mopery- no way

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