I am working with a mum at the moment who is trying to look for work. I said that I would refer her to various schemes in the borough helping her to do her CV and what not. However, whilst we were discussing her skills and abilities and what sort of jobs she is looking for, she told me that about 10 years ago, she was convicted of theft. The circumstances were that her husband at the time was diagnosed with cancer and the prognosis was terminal, she was caring for him and their 3 young children at the time and she had a bit of a breakdown and stole someone's purse on the tube. She pleaded guilty and I think just had a fine or someting, she was referred to counselling for support.
However, 10 years on, and now that things have turned themselves around for her emotionally, how will this conviction affect her chances of employment. She asked me today and I couldnt say that I knew one way or the other. She might be applying for jobs that involve a CRB