
Criminal trial unfair ruling. what can i do??

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here is what happend.

i was at a bar, celebrating my gf's bday party.

i stepped out of the bar to grab a smoke (gf hates the smell of smoke).

met this complete stranger just out side of the bar, he asks me questions in an inapproporiate manner. (am about 4 feet from bar entrance)

i told him to adjust his attitude then he curses and sucker punches me.

i had lots of drink and i get knocked down then next thing i know, (hearing from the witnesses) couple of his friends join him and throws punches at me.

i end up in hospital with 3-4 fractures on my face and was almost killed at the scene.

i was unconcsious for about 15 hours

witness also tells me that he saw bar owner telling the aggressors to "get out before cops show up!" and bar owner never even called 911!!!???

according to witnesses, i definately didn't start the fight and the aggressor kept on kicking me in the face even after i was uncon. and fallen.

this happend about year ago and recently had a criminal trial on this.

in the first trial, the defendant offers to 1/3 of medical bills, i rejected.

in the final trial, the defendant offers to either pay for full medical bills or 30 days in county jail.

i reject the offer. i wanted full medical bills paid and 30 days. not just 1.

state's attorney and the detective were confident that defendant will be charged of felony.

judge calls in witness 1 at a time for questioning.

next thing i know, case is ruled as mutual combat and he walks out as a free man

i asked the state atorney in disbelief how? why? state attorney is just as shocked as i.

defendant played that i was acting under influence of alcholol and whatever the heck that drug was and i threathend the defendant to punch him and so defendant was just self defending.

state attorney states that when i was in e.r., during blood test, they found ruffie in my body system and i ask what the heck it was.

says it's some date rape drug and it may have caused for the verdict.

state attorney did mention this to me about that drug before going into the trial but told me that it should not matter to the case so i carelessed about it and i swear i never even heard of that drug and i never take any drugs in my life except when i was little and puffed weed twice from curiosity. over 10 years ago!!

for the people who may not know what ruffie is(like me), my pharmascist friend tells me that it's like a date rape drug. it's a stuff that usually a guy puts in a girl's drink to take advantage or some people suffering from depression take to knock themselves out.

i mean what the heck is that doing in my body system and why the heck would i take such lame drug if i was at the bar 2 hours prior to my gf's surprise b-day party, filling up baloons and decorating the section that i had reserved for my gf's bday party??????

this is complete unfair ruling and only thing my state's attorney could tell me is that "judge is only a human" and the detective was just sorry for what had happened.

i asked the state's attorney on what i can do about ruling and only thing i can do is just buy a lawyer and go after the guy with civil suit.

i mean is that the only thing i can do at this point?

should i go after the hospital and see if they made a mistake with this drug?

does this mean that i can go knock the p**p out of someone and just play dumb???????

what can i do? someone in this expertise, please help!!!!!




  1. You take a chance anytime you go in front of a jury.

    You still have the option of suing him, the burden of proof is less in a civil court, you may get an award that way.

  2. Well first let me say that I hoped you learned that it's not the police who don't do their jobs, it's the courts who let them go!

    Now, in a way, you were playing with fire because it was like a deal or no deal game. He was offereing to do this and you were like, "I want more." I agree you had every right to have him serve time in jail AND pay your bills, but that's the bad part about court. They can always and more than likely will turn you down. It's like what's the point of being a victim? In my state, what happened to you is considered a felony so I really don't understand how he walked away unless these witnesses said something you don't know about and all your good witnesses didn't testify.

    You can sue him civilally, but what's the point in continuing to play the courts game. Karma will come back to him for sure.

    And no you can't go beat the c**p out of someone and get away with it. It happened to you, but if you were to ever do that, you'd be the one to get charged and then you'd be like what the heck happened? That's how real victims end up feeling, just like you feel now. Don't turn into a stupid criminal because the judicial system did you wrong.

  3. Learn from your mistakes; 1.) do not drink so much that you don't know what you're doing.  2.) stay out of bars.  3.) Learn to keep your mouth shut.  4.) learn to know when to cut your losses - accept the best deal you can get.  5.) learn to walk away.  6.) learn to fight when you HAVE to protect yourself.

    You obviously had something to prove to yourself or the witnesses there, so you provoked a situation. Had you just walked away, you would not have gotten your a$$ kicked.  What is an "inappropriate manner."  You obviously let your LITTLE ego run your mouth until he kicked your a$$ for it.

  4. dont go to bars-- rent a hall its much safer and you'll be with your crowd not the general a*****e public

  5. Strangest 'trial' I ever heard of.  What country was this in?

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