
Criminally accused and maybe...

by  |  earlier

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i joined a gang now i quited it then one of the members was caught doing drugs now she is accusing me and the rest of the gang and ex gang members of doing drugs

i know im innocent what could i do or tell to the officials to make me unguilty




  1. Take a drug test. If it comes back clean then you have proven your point. If it doesn't then your ex gang friend's point was proven.

  2. All they have to do is get a strand of your hair and test it, it will reveal if you have or haven't been doing drugs.

  3. you cant be prosecuted for doin the drugs in the past. and wtf gang did you join? the fluffs? you should be dead by now. stupid suburban white teenagers.....

  4. You won't be prosecuted for "doing drugs" in the past.  Selling/dealing is another thing.

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