
Criminologists how do the process of confiscate?

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If you have to seize computers, telephones, answer machones etc as evidence, how you will secure the electronic evidence, what might be obtained from the items, and how the criminalists at the lab will obtain it?




  1. How mean is the first person who answered. Anyways go to the site provided. You will find info in there.

  2. If you are copying a test question at least have the courtesy to copy it so we can read it.

    You get a warrant, you take the stuff away. At the lab they make a twin copy of any hard drive or memory. Phones that have sims are copied, Phone records are subpoenaed The memory of an answering machine, not just the recording, is twinned.

    Then the memories are taken apart electronically reconstructing stuff that has been erased or dumped.

    It is important not to turn on a computer that is off and to close a computer before taking it. You do not play back stuff or try to run a program without making a twin first.

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