
Criss Angel ~ is he a fake?

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OK-I'm not here to bash him so no-one needs to be offended. I love the show. Also, he makes it clear on some levels that he simply masters "illusion", say making it appear as though he he performed a magical act. But as far as predicting the future, or reading someone's's abviously staged in some way. I mean, we can only see what the camera wants us to see. How could he draw the same thing another man is drawing at the same time when they are in 2 different elevators-or predict what word someone is going to pick out of a current newspaper 16 days before it happens??

Yes, I'm a fan, but I'd love some insight from someone who know "magic" or someone who has seen the workings of his tricks. A&E has to know that we're not complete idiots, right?

Good answers only pls....10pts =)))




  1. No, he is not a fake, he is a real Criss Angel. The easiest way to tell, is if you rub his head against glass. It will leave a scratch.

  2. im sorry to say, but his tricks are not real.. can you phisically walk threw a window, or walk into a wood chipper and come out alive?

    he is an illusionist, fooling the brain into thinking something is happening.

  3. It's like watching wrestling - people know it's not real but are entertained anyway.   Besides, he's hot,  and that alone is entertainment enough for most of his fans.

  4. It's a tv show. I would only  beleive anything he did if I saw it in person and i was able to investigate every part of his trick. the viewer however is behind a tv screen being misled by the people he paid to act astonished when he performs his tricks. Its all fake

  5. He's a real magician, but he's not doing actual magic.  It's just a trick.  Yes, some of them are very good tricks, but they are tricks all the same.  There are many ways to make it look as though you are reading someone's mind, but no one can actually do it.  However, magicians guard the secrets to their tricks pretty well (they'd be out of a job otherwise), so you're not likely to get the real answer here.  I've had magicians do it to me - but I could always guess how.

  6. Yes, he is a fake. All his "sleight of hand," "misdirection," and "tricks" are actually witchcraft. He just conceals the fact that he is a sorcerer so as not to get burned at the stake.

  7. Of course to some degree all illusionists claim that thier tricks are real. This is not meant to make false claims about psychic powers or anything, its meant to draw you into the act. Part of the illusion is making you think its real.

    He is not a fake because in reality, everyone should realize he is doing a trick.

    David Blaine is similar, in that he comes up with stories and claims of levitation powers and such. We all know it is just an illusion, but the claims are there for fun, to draw you in and for a moment make you believe in the magic he is doing.

    For that matter, Harry Houdini did too....

    I have never watched his show, only heard about it, so I could be wrong, but to my knowledge Criss Angel has not made any serious psychic claims.

  8. yes, it is fake. i don't know the website, but there is a video where he puts his leg up on a box and levatates. he has like a fake leg or something. he is really fake, but the show is pretty amusing...

  9. sometimes the only thing that betrays the logical mind is that all of these are happening on television! who is to say he really did all those stuff in front of true audience and not people who are to act as audience? or that there is some camera trick which is not involved- such as him making an elephant disappear behind a white canvas, in front of a ring of people?

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