
Criteria to use evaluate activity carried out with children.?

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My lecturer said that i need indepth evaluation and linking to theory as well.

What criteria should i use to evaluate an activity carried out with a year 3 class?




  1. first read children pshysology, then mesure behavieour, achievments and standard of the child and  evaluate the activities don by the child thats all.

  2. Which children met the learning objectives? Which didn't? Why was this? Did you have/ were there any problems during the activity? If so.. what were they and how did you deal with them? Was the activity effective at allowing the children to meet the expected outcome? Why? How? What was good about the activity? How would you improve it for a future time?

  3. in order for you to evaluate an activity carried out (whether for children or adults), it is always safe to go back to your specific objectives.  Do evaluation by objectives so that you will be able to determine if you have achieved your objectives or not. all activities should be based on certaion objectives.  Moreover, your objects should be "SMART"  meaning, it should be S - specific, M - measurable,  A - attainable,  R - realistic and T - time bounded (can be achieved within a given time)

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