
Critique my photography!?

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Tell me what you think about my photography! Thanks!!




  1. Very nice, I like the variety of shots you use, and the range in color. Your black and white photos are very relaxing, and give a sense of peace even without colors to make it aesthetic. I really like the nature shots because they show the object in detail. Excellent work! As for suggestions, maybe try different perspectives?

  2. Critique because u can insult them while in the other hand they can laugh at u if ur in photography

  3. I think your are a good with the tecnik, But the subject its a total cliché.

    I am sorry, but the world its full of those same pictures.

  4. Aw! I love them! But, the Catch my Eye is a little scary because you can't see the white of his/her's eyes. But, I LOVE IT!

  5. Wow, some of that is extremely beautiful.

    Good job.


  6. your photography is beautiful.

    i hope that you intend to make it a career.

  7. I would describe it as "excellent"

  8. I did not care for a lot of them. Many of the images you provided lacked fundamental rules of composition. The images that were more well thought out still lacked important compositional elements. Take for instance the image of the Flower Girl. While interesting, it looked bland because there is no background, which could have worked, if the subject's face was in view. The image of the farm was your strongest, as it had a clear focal point, and the clouds added a secondary area of interest. It is very well composed. But something that is very disturbing for me is the blurred foreground, especially noticeable on the bottom left. For a landscape such as this, an aperture of f16 or smaller would have been a better choice.

    Overall, I'd say you need to work on composition. This is what is really spoiling your photography.

  9. omg i think you are so very talented with your own style. I love your photos. I would seriously buy a big picture and put it on my bedroom wall. You have talent and your photos are gorgeous ;) and i love the like father like so one and all of them. good job and keep taking pictures because i believe they will take you somewhere :)



  10. I like all of it :]]

  11. Pretty good! I was surprised! You have some great angles there. There's some sun glare in a few but other than that, they're beautiful. Good job!

  12. you photographed them??? they look professional. amzinng. i love them

  13. I thought they were pretty good.  

    The only picture I didn't really care for was "Telephone Booth" because when you cut off a subject like that, it ruins the composition.  There's nothing interesting and in fact having an object leading off the edge draws the viewer's eyes away from the picture.  You usually don't want the subject dead-center in the middle of the frame ("Rule of Thirds"), but you don't want it right on the edge of the picture or cut off either.  Also, I think the selective color thing is completely overdone now.  It's too cliche and doesn't have any meaning.

    Also, try to get some more pictures from a wider angle.  Tightly cropped pictures can work in some cases, but sometimes you need a wider view to give more context to the picture.

    Otherwise, I thought your pictures were pretty good overall.  I really liked "Farm" and "Like Father, Like Son" even though it's backlit and underexposed, it still captures a quiet, thoughtful moment very well.  

    "Truck" could be a great picture, but it's way overexposed.  The sky is completely blown out, and there is too much glare on the truck.  It's not a bad picture, just overexposed.  I don't know what kind of camera you took your pictures with, but probably one f-stop lower would have fine.  The other suggestion is to choose the right time of day to take pictures outside.  It looks like you took that picture of the truck right in the middle of the day, because there aren't any shadows and the light is very harsh.  The worst time to take pictures is from about 12:00 - 2:30 PM, because if the sun is directly overhead, the light is too harsh and your colors will be dull and washed out.  Try to take pictures either early in the morning, from about 8:30-10:30 AM, or wait until late afternoon, from about 4:30 - 7:00 PM.  When the sun is lower in the sky, the light has a much warmer tone, and the colors in your pictures will be much better.

    So overall, your pictures were pretty good.  With the exception of "Telephone Booth," I think your composition is good and the pictures are very interesting.  You just need to work on exposure and lighting a little bit.  Some of your pictures are overexposed.

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