
Critique my position?

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my position is not very good but i dont really know what to do to fix it! here are some jumping pictures: 2008/riding076.jpg 2008/3.jpg 2008/1.jpg

trotting and cantering: 2008/4.jpg 2008/2.jpg

anything suggestions would be really helpful..thanks!




  1. Try not to lean so far forward when you jump. In your 2-Point it looks good just don't stand up as far and ALWAYS keep your heels down.

  2. everything looks decent...nobody is perfect so there is no point in critiquing to the point of perfection but id just say have your horse on the bit and bending in corners and ur heels down and more elastic but other than tht good job

  3. when your jumping you are to far forward and out of the saddle when your to forward your horse is put off balance this is bad on his front legs and your so high up your landing will be uncomfurtable for both of you ... your two point is weak you need to be shouldure over knees and you should not have a hump in your back... your hands are going to stress your horses neck they shoul not be touching it just above it...your arms need work as well dont bend at the wrist ths is making your elbows flare out

    at trot your still hunching and bending your elbows and messing up your wrists

    canter was the worst you are way to far forward you need to put yor leg under you and you need to have your hands relaxed the way you canter is probally terrible for the poor horse

  4. When you are riding flat, you are leaning forward. you need to practice keeping your shoulders as far back as possible, remember to sit straight and tall! Also practice sitting on your pockets more. that will help you to not look so much like a duck (when your butt is further out then the rest of you)

    When you are jumping, you DO NOT want to stand up in the saddle. You want to use your knees to sit forward. Just do not put your butt up, simply lean forward. use your knees to grip and look straight in front of your horse.

    and don't forget to keep those heels down!!!

    good luck!!!

  5. It looks like you have out grown your pony just a tad

  6. Overall you've got a pretty decent position - the problem is that you've grown out of your pony.

    So... you have to fake it.  Take up your stirrups a hole or two, and flex at your hips a little more over the fences. This will pop your upper body back in the saddle a bit, so you don't appear so top-heavy. This will also buy you a little longer release.

    Same on the flat - those stirrups can manage to go up some. While you're built beautifully to ride, you're compensating for your horse moving on her forehand. What I mean, is that your upper body is way ahead of the verticle, and your shoulders are pushed forward.

    Take a huge breath and push your chest out as much as you can. Then breath out, but keep your position. You should find your shoulders back, and your abs tight. This should help you release the tension in your elbows as well.

  7. ok my name is lydia and i also ride i love it an there is nothing else in the world that can replace the feel you get when u r on or around horse . its like an addictionand everyytimee we are around them we get this high . i would suggest reading this book called centered riding by sally swift . at first i was hesitantt bc i hate reading but when my trainer asked me to read it i was immediatelyy addicted . it teaches you really how to ride and is the best book i love it so read it . it has helped me have a much much better position .

  8. Okay in the jumping photos you need to move your seat back, so that it is more centered in the saddle. Release the reins a little more. Keep your shoulders a little more up and back, don't hunch over.

    For the trotting pic, You need to work on your upper body. Sit tall, and keep your shoulders back.

    Cantering one, same as the trotting. Also, unless you are jumping, you don't need your hands so far forward. You can sit a bit more in the saddle
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