
Critique my riding-(English Riding)

by  |  earlier

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**You don't have to watch the whole thing if you don't want to**

Anything that I should work on? Good and bad points? anything else.




  1. I think your stirrups were a tad short in some of those videos.  I would like to see you drop them a hole see what that looks like.  Shorter stirrups can hide a weak leg..

    There is some pumping going on that canter and I would like see you open your hip angle by a fraction.  I would also like to see a little more softness to your hands, they aren't hard but they don't look terribly forgiving either.

    There is a still shot in the video of you on a bay.  Take that out.  It does nothing for you.

    Overall, I think your eq looks good.  You aren't over jumping, your leg looks pretty good.

    Do you show?

  2. Your a really good rider!! Don't override, though. And release over the jumps, you don't want to catch your horse in the mouth. Get your bum out of the saddle a little more, and let your hands follow your horses' mouth when you jump

  3. Good:

    Nice hands

    Nice arms                      

    Very nice leg

    ^All held nice and steady :)

    Could use improvement:

    Two Point: Bend a bit more at the waist; Also it seems you get left behind a bit.  A great excercise for this is to do a lot of walk trot transitions, and as soon as your horse picks up the trot, fold into two point.  Then come back to the walk and repeat.

    Heels: Its hard to see them in the videos but in the 1st pic your heel and toe were even. Push your heel to the ground and your toe up.

    Posture: Its not bad, but it could be better.  Push your chest forward a bit more and arch your lower back (not so that you're hunched forward but the other way)

    Overall it was good :)

  4. Very good! I haven't read any of the answers, but I was only able to watch the first 3 horses. The first horse was great! The second horse was good, too! Hard to tell, but I could get a general idea. The third horse, in the indoor arena, it looks like you might've been over-riding him a bit... When I find I do this, all I do is take my stirrups off. I suggest doing it on a bit of a medium horse, rather than a fast or lazy horse. I find I use my body more moderately and follow the horses' motion rather than trying to create it...

    I have no idea if that helped, it was just a bit of a thought in my mind...  

  5. OK I watched about halfway.

    You need to sink more weight into your heels (maybe put you stirrups down a hole), your leg looks a little weak, and you are not releasing over any of the jumps. Just slide your hands up the horse's neck a tad.

    Other than that you look pretty good, I see so many people who overjump ridiculously and you're not doing that at all it looks good. I love the paint horse :)

  6. You really need to work on your two point.. I didn't see it at all.

    You need to release your hands over the jumps because if you start to jab the horse in the mouth he won't want to jump.... My friend would know.

    You need to stick your butt out and out your hands up on his neck for two point.

    Some of the jumps I thought your were just riding a higher stride.

  7. Great job, but u can release a tad more over fences, but not if you are doing an automatic release coz the vid was blurry so i couldnt tell if it was an automatic or crest release. you can go into 2-point a little longer, and go a little farther up his neck. also, dont land on his back so hard after the jump. otherwise, everything was perfect!!!

  8. your Eq was good but the only thing i would critique is when you were cantering the circle on that bay to stop "pumping" and circle with you but and just sit there and don't move. also try to steady your hands so there not moving with you at the trot.

    Hope this helps!

    Good Eq!

  9. your leg is too far forward. your not really bending over jumps, your just standing, bending a little bit, to get out of the saddle.and your not releasing enough either. in some clips your shoulders are a little round and your hands get burried.

  10. you have a very tight leg which is great..

    i think you need to work on your jumping position a little more because it looks like you dont get out of the saddle enough and you sit down a little bit too early... that could be cause your horse jumps a little bit flat though because i only noticed it on the paint, not the bay... you looked great on both of them though!

    i like the video... great riding! beautiful horses too!

  11. your a very good rider i must say! your seat is just wonderful! u might want to just keep doing what your doing lol and i must say also your jumping looks very good you follow up with the horse very well!

               -Good Luck to you

                                  -♥Can't Stop Riding♥

  12. you looked good to me

  13. You look pretty good, but there a few things I would work on:

    On the whole, try to sit up a little taller. You have a slight forward tilt most of the time. Think shoulders back. And pick your hands up a little. A rider's hands are useless when sitting right at the horse's withers

    When you jump, think of "perching" in your 2-point position. You are a little in front of the saddle. Stay centered on the horse by thinking of sticking your butt backwards. And then stay in 2-point until the horse hits the ground. You're coming back a little early. And I would give him a little more release, unless he gets strong after the jump, which it doesn't look like he does.

    Other than that, good job. You're well on your way :)

  14. very very good rider! just little simple things we all have to work on like dont pump your arms...hold your hand for yourself and have your whole body move with your horse. and just make sure and keep those heels down! :]] amazing rider you should be pround of yourself!

  15. I think you are really good! Your posting is great! I think you should lean forward a little more when you jump tho. at 1:41 in your video you leaned forward perfectly! Beautiful horses!!!!!!!!

  16. Work on this- toes down, heals up, elbows bent, sit up, sit deeper in saddle, keep contact on the reins - there dangling, push your hands foward over jumps, stop pulling on your horses mouth over jumps!, also your lower legs swings back a lot over jumps, dont look DOWN!!,  turn toes in, dont flap with your legs, sit tall your bent over. And after that your a good rider. Email me if you need more info or questons asked. Hope i've helped. :-D

    EDIT - sorry if i sound strict and harsh, trying to help - but im not 2 good at it. :-)

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