
Critisize my poem? ..................thanks?

by  |  earlier

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Across the field from I,

The enemy points and aims,

A line of amo soars,

And ends a family name.

Across the field a man,

Just 20 years of age,

Blessed with the gift of life,

I fire out of rage.

The enemy reloads,

I hear a fiery blast,

My friend is shot and killed,

Anger to hot to last.

I load my gun with rage,

This b*****d's gonna to pay,

I pull the trigger and pray,

God kill this angry sage.

But god is busy now,

Across the graveyard lay,

A dieing soldier man,

Praying today be my last day

I fire one last shot,

The enemy does the same,

The lord answers both our prayers,

And ends this fiery game.

By: Trevor S.




  1. Thats sad. And sorry if it makes sense to me I usually can't critisize it.

  2. Okay, 3rd line, it's spelt "ammo".

    12th line it's "too" not "to"

    14th's "This b*****d's going to pay"

    19th line, you spelt dying wrong.

    That's what "Spell Check" is for.

  3. Take out the swearing and I bet people will like it better. It's ok, I would say. Keep up the good work, and keep reading other poets.. =)


  4. It sucks sorry

  5. That's reallly good. Do you write regularly?

  6. i really like it

    but i think it would be good if you didnt use rage 2 times.

  7. Sounds a bit corny. Its not that great, but I've heard much much worse

    and there are much better websites to get your poem critisized than yahoo answers.

  8. Wow, violent!!

  9. Dying-not dieing but otherwise its pretty spectacular


  10. i didnt read it!

  11. That is good.




    Um what state do you live in?

    Because I think I may know you..

  12. hey hey hey!! we need the war and god always listens!! so take your poem and throw it away.... but it did rhime a little but it still sucked couse it ain't true!!!!!!!!

  13. its terrible, all those buttons you look like steve harvey.

  14. Oh my god, that's beautiful and expresses the true conventionality's of war, Its good, but it really depends how old you are, if your a seventh grader or something thats amazing, if your a graduate, then its ok to average, If your in High school then its good.

  15. It's okay. It's not phenomenal but a great start. You spelled dying wrong, by the way. : )

  16. ohh wow! you are truly amazing! psh! i could never do that! well.....

    1. Capitalize "God"& "Lord" because it's a proper noun

    2. it's "dying" not "dieing"

    3. I think it's "ammo" not "amo" i think.....

    but other than that GREAT JOB!

  17. dude thats very awesome!

  18. wow. It's really good. But one thing I didn't really like was how you used "b*****d" in there. It sounds kinda... modern and rude. If you know what I mean. It's a beautiful poem though! I love it!

  19. to violent, but i'm a lovey dovey poem person. very nice, i never could follow the rules, :P i like free style.


    I listen to the silence

    as i lay down here to think

    of the person most dear to me.

    I can't get him off my mind,

    I want to, yet I don't

    I there hope.

    I love him so dearly

    I need him so much

    Yet afraid to tell him

    your my true love.

    I wonder if he thinks of this

    I wonder if he cares

    I wonder........does anyone..

    I toss and turn as I try to get some peace

    Get these things off my mind

    Yet it seems

    this can only be a dream..

    wrote this one as i was sitting here, not edited you see, but this is my style, my life, you see.

  20. i like it !!!

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