
Crohn's disease. info needed please. x?

by  |  earlier

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heey ive just found out that my best mate has crohn's disease, and i was wondering if any one could tell me what it actually is etc ... thanks.

oh and is it serious

is there a cure?





  1. I think its a disease of the lower bowel, like an auto immune disease where the body attacks the good bacteria in the digestive system...that may be completely wrong though, either way it's some consolation to your friend that they have such a caring friend which is important to have when they are not well.

    Best wishes to you both, keep your chin up x

  2. will really help with information.

  3. hi just, i am a female crohn's pt. for 28 yrs.

    The Crohn's and colitis foundation has a website with tons of information on IBD (crohns or ulcerative colitis). It has definitions as to what it is, medical terminology, latest treatments, surgery,coping skills, finding a local ccfa support/educational meetings near you, as well as a live chat and hotline run by healthcare experts. There is also an open forum where you can post questions.

    Definitely look into it. While there is no cure, there are newer methods to keep it in remission. Oh, crohnies should avoid smoking, drinking, for females any kind of birthcontrol that's hormonal b/c it can cause blood clots when we flare, and when feeling well we should exercise and eat right.

    Good luck to you both and be sure to check out CCFA.  


    That link will tell you a summary what Crohn's disease is.  

    Unfortunately, it is serious and not cureable yet but it is controllable and many are praying for a cure soon.  

    Be there for your friend.  She will likely feel isolated over the next few weeks.  Understand that she is going through something very difficult right now and needs the support of people who are close to her and knew her before she got sick.  It might also help if you find an online support group for her or a real one..if you can.  My parents and best friend almost had an intervention to get me to attend a meeting.  Turns out it was the best thing for me and the people were great.  One year later...I took over the group as it leader and led for 7 years.  

  5. its a bowel disorder, painful digestion, etc. aloeride relieves the symptoms

  6. Crohn's disease is a chronic transmural inflammatory disease that usually affects the distal ileum and colon but may occur in any part of the GI tract. Symptoms include diarrhea and abdominal pain. Abscesses, internal and external fistulas, and bowel obstruction may arise. Extraintestinal symptoms, particularly arthritis, may occur. Diagnosis is by colonoscopy and barium contrast studies. Treatment is with 5-aminosalicylic acid, corticosteroids, immunomodulators, anticytokines, antibiotics, and often surgery.

    Outlook (Prognosis)

    There is no cure for Crohn's disease. The condition is marked by periods of improvement followed by flare-ups of symptoms.

    It is very important to stay on medications long-term to try to keep the disease symptoms from returning. If you stop or change your medications for any reason, let your doctor know right away.

    You have a higher risk for small bowel and colon cancer if you have Crohn's disease.

    Possible Complications:

        * Abscess

        * Bowel obstructions

        * Complications of corticosteroid therapy

        * Erythema nodosum

        * Fistulas in the following areas:

              # Bladder

              # Skin

              # v****a

        * Impaired growth and sexual development in children

        * Inflammation of the joints

        * Lesions in the eye

        * Nutritional deficiencies (particularly vitamin B12 deficiency)

        * Pyoderma gangrenosum

  7. Here's everything you need to know's_dis...

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