
Cromer Rail Station Non-Smoking?

by Guest32179  |  earlier

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OK, so I know we smokers are the lowest of the low sub-species - but Cromer station is OPEN AIR (other than a couple of shelters) and yet they have plastered "No smoking on the platforms - penalty £200" everywhere???

I do respect the view that non-smokers cannot tolerate us in enclosed spaces (although I think restaurants/pubs/clubs etc. should be allowed to provide interior smoking rooms) - but surely in the open air, everyone can move to a place that's comfortable for them, smoker/non-smoker?

While I'm ranting - how come the MPs are allowed to escape the ban in their 'private club'? (Yeah, I know it belongs to the Queen, and is therefore exempt - but talk about one rule for them and another for us??) And another question: with the crackdown on littering the streets with dog-ends etc., are the councils going to provide ashtrays?

P.S. I am visiting my GP next week to try and get help to give up (having tried ear acupuncture, hypnotherapy, NRT.............) - but, I ENJOY smoking.




  1. I hear what you are saying but it's not the rail companies imposing this ban as they would have done it years ago like London Underground did.

    The fact is railway stations are considered business premises, therefore smoking is not permitted. Even a track worker 2 miles from the nearest station can't light up within the boundary fence.

    And yes it is one rule for them and one for us as always.

    Don't forget that this ban will prompt alot of smokers to give up, which in turn means lost tax revenue for our illustrious government. Do you think Gordon and his gophers will tolerate this? You bet they wont which guarantees more tax increases for everyone.

  2. well it's easy to criticise,if it's open air then it goes beyond the pale.

  3. Agree totally

    I have been campaigning for weeks for every smoker to boycott as far as reasonably possible, public transport, pubs,clubs,football grounds bingo halls etc etc etc .

    Only by hitting large companies in the pocket will we get common sense.

    Ironically, I am a smoker who supports a sensible ban, but not a bad law which will be often flouted and unenforcible

  4. Hi, - It's annoying, isn't it?  A bus station not far from me is the same - but you still can't smoke.  I didn't know that the MP's were exempt - WHY??  I don't give a sh*t who the club belongs to - THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED!!  The tobacco talibans should be setting an example for the rest of us.  What about privately owned pubs,nightclubs, and restaurants, etc.  If I owned one of these I'd be kicking up a right stushie!!  Far as I know, the councils ain't providing ashtrays - the owners are supposed to take care of that themselves.  You should see the pavements outside some of the pubs up here - what a bloody mess!!

    BTW: I stopped smoking two years ago - because I wanted to, not because some eejit was telling me to.  I went for laser therapy and have never looked back.  I've no will-power, so couldn't have done it on my own.

    NB: What's going to happen to the NHS when it stops getting billions of pounds from smokers?

    Edit: Re Laser Therapy - This treatment is like everything else - you have to WANT to stop or it won't happen.  My husband went for laser treatment one year after me - he's still smoking. Why? Because a) he didn't really want to stop and b) It was a case of him thinking  "if SHE can do it, I can too"!!

  5. here here

  6. The recent smoking ban does not apply to all areas of station premises.

    However, to avoid confusion, the companies who own and operate stations have decided to ban smoking throughout, using a railway by-law.

    Sorry, but I don't want your filthy smoke blowing in may face, even in the open air.  Your attitude, in common with many smokers, is predictably selfish.

  7. It classed as a public place & the shelters are classed as onder cover so IT's No Smoking otherwise the train company will get fined.

  8. Pinky

    what are you smoking?

  9. Unfortunately, rail operators are allowed to ban smoking in their stations, no matter how open air they are - London Underground did this years ago.

    I empathise - I have the same issue with Clapham Junction.  I am a smoker too, and I enjoy it, but have never lit up in a bus shelter or similar.  I do try to be considerate, but am also rather irate that the smoking ban has been so sweeping.  

    In New York, if a bar is owner-operated and the owner smokes or does not mind smoking, they can allow people to smoke there.  In some bars, they owners have given staff 1% of the business to allow smoking to continue!  I don't understand why they couldn't have followed a similar route here.

  10. you enjoy smoking huh

    try looking after someone in their last days before they die of lung cancer

    the selfish attitude of some smokers really winds me up

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