
Crooked fingers - Health Issues?

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I have had crooked fingers all my life, and never have known there to be any health problems with this, this is more so on my pinky fingers than the other digits (both hands are the same).

The last 2 days my pinky finger on the left hand has been achy right on the joint where it goes crooked at the end.

Should I be worried about it, I am not sure if there are any problems related to crooked fingers or if it is just a coincedence.

If it helps my fingers get regular excercise as I play guitar alot, this uses all 4 of my fingers on my left hand.

Thanks for your time.




  1. If you have crooked fingers then you are more prone to arthritis and similar conditions especially if you use a keyboard and play guitar.

    make sure you are having enough fish oils etc in your diet and try to avoid tomatoes (these contain acids that can magnify effects)

  2. i have crooked fingers too, both of my middle fingers bend up to the right.It looks weird, but it runs in my mothers side of the family.They dont give me pain, but if your fingers are starting to hurt then go to the doctors and get them checked.It could be a sign of arthritis.

  3. Hey dude dw about it mine are crooked aswell i asked my cousin who is a doctor surgeon and she said that everyone is different and it happens mainly to people with asian background which im not I'm she said everyones are different and there is nothing to worry about !

    Be proud of them and my ring finger is horrible and i cant wear a ring on it lol!


  4. whoa!

    my best friend and her brother have the same exact thing.

    my friend went to the doctor and he told her that it was "streblodactyly"

    which just means crooked fingers, especially in the pinky finger. so they gave her a sort of brace and it's straightened it out a little bit. the doctor told her that her tendons in her pinky's are too short, causing them to kind of deform them.

    my friend said that the doctor told her to just exercise them and stretch them in ways they aren't normally stretched.

    maybe go to a doctor and see if that's what you have.

    but the doctor told my friend that it's nothing to worry about.

    have you had it your whole life or did you develop it?

    it could just be how you were born.


  5. carpil tunnel syndrome ? get an ergonomically designed keyboard

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