
Cropping systems and livestock farming?

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what are semi-intensive livestock, intensive livestock, extensive livestock, bush farrowing, mix cropping, shift cultivation, mono culture?

ASAP! life or death...........well pass or fail actually.




  1. "Intensive systems," animals are contained and feed is brought to them. Thought of today as "Factory farming". "Extensive systems" generally refer to grazing animals that live off the land.

    "Semi-intensive" livestock is a kind of transition between extensive production and intensive production. Animals are grazed on pasture, but are fattened out on grain and supplement feeding.

    Bush farrowing is animals birthing outside on their own.

    Mixed cropping is planting different crops in the same field at the same time. A popular mixed farming system  for the Native Americans was maize, beans, and squash.

    Shift cultivation is farming one area for a few areas and leaving it to recover while moving to a new area. Common in slash and burn agriculture.

    Mono-culture is growing one crop and one variety only. Common practice in modern conventional agriculture.

  2. Semi-intensive livestock are the ones who don't damage the environment as much. Sheep will graze down to the roots, and are very intensive, while elk and goats are always shifting while feeding. Extensive livestock--you have me there.

    Maybe it means large amounts of cattle, as on agribiz ranches. Bush farrowing would mean letting hogs bear young freely, not caged.

    Mixed crops are crops that are grown in smaller areas, suited to each type--a fair variety of products such as oats, sheep, soybeans, and canola, for example. Monoculture means one crop only, and is dangerous if a pest gets a foothold. Shifting cultivation means letting land go fallow (at rest), and also slash and burn agriculture as used by natives in South America. They grow crops for about two years, then move on.

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