
Cross Country Help!!!!!

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Ok so Cross Country Try outs are in 1 week. I have been training like crazy to make the team. I want to make varsity so bad. Are there any last minute training exercises, mentality tips, or ways to make varsity. Any tips besides "Run A lot" would help.




  1. keep working out and keep pushing yourself further than you think you can go. Finish every short jog with a sprint and drink plenty of water cus you can run for longer when your more hydrated

    Alot of running is psychological, being able to push yourself and stay motivated.

    my advice is to watch this video for motivation:

  2. okay i find myself in the same situation, what i found out that works best for me is to relax! just make sure when tryouts start you stay with the ppl who you know are gonna make varsity, just think that you HAVE to stay with them non matter what and just hold on, try taking your mind off of the race and just think of it as a normal run where you have to stay with them or you'll fall behind  and get lost,

    other than that with only one week left alll your hard trainning should be done with, the day before the race take it easy, eat pasta 2 nights before and get a good nights rest,

    and just remember when it comes to try outs how hard you've been working everyday busting your butt off and don't let all that hard work go to waste! LET YOUR HARD WORK PAY OFF! good luck

  3. hi there i am a crosscountry runner too here is my tips the most important training is mentally strong secondly is phycycle fit running is

    also about how u controll you breathing its very important to know how i breathing goes when u run done breath too hard every 3 step one time thats how it works for me and controll your breathing breath gently thats all keep it cool focous strait done chase your challanger

    just go on your speed thats all cool.....  

  4. Force yourself to stay with a pack at tryouts. A pack that would get you on the team.  Also a good tip is to not run so much the day before tryouts so you have your best stuff that day. Eat the proper foods and drink water. Last thing keep a positive mind. Also if you have the money invest in some spikes if you have not already.  It really cuts down your time.

  5. I would suggest this work out for the week

    3 miles Monday 2 miles Tuesday 3 miles Wensday 4 miles Thursday 5 miles Friday. You should try jumping rope for  like 20 minutes without stopping. P.S I am a cross country runner!

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