
Cross Country Training!! PLEASE HELP ME!

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Okay, i'm 12 years old. cross country try outs are three weeks away I need to be able to run at least 5 miles (without stopping) and i need to lose about 25 pounds. Can someone tell me what are the best exersises and food that I can use to get in shape for running cross country?

Anything please!

10 points to the most helpful!




  1. well to start running and getting in-shape:

    start by running 2-3 miles about 4 times a week. (any pace)

    since you only have 3 weeks it might be tough.

    the 2nd week run 2-4 if you are feeling okay about 4-5 times a week.

    maybe you still want to go 2-3 time but maybe try to run a little faster.

    the next week go 3-5 (because you said you need to be able to run 5) about 4-5 times a week.

    the day before your tryouts be sure to take it easy.

    drink lots of water also when you work out.

    be sure to stretch before and after so you dont pull any muscles!


    25 pounds is not a reasonable amount in 3 weeks.

    but eat healthy and cut out the junk food.

    i hope this helps you out!

    i wish you the best of luck =)

    cross country is amazing.

    if you need more help email me!

  2. Go to:,71...

    And anywhere on that site will give you the best advice you're looking for!! :D

  3. Well it's impossible to lose that much weight in 3 weeks unless you carve it off so don't expect immediate results and do not try starving yourself.

    About foods, just cut out all junk food until you're in the clear. It'll help you lose wight faster and it will make you feel a whole lot better. Drink lots of water!

    Exercises; running is the best exercise for cross country training but if you're uncomfortable running right away, fast walk for a mile everyday for the first week, jog two miles the second week, and try to push yourself to jogging three miles in the third week. (This is used for conditioning on my cross country team so it should help.)

    Stretch your legs for ten minutes before and after doing any of these exercises. This is vital! If you don't stretch, it is much easier to pull a muscle and it will limit your flexibility when you start packing on muscle which could cause you to be slower when competing. It can also cause weakness in your legs and could result in shin splints which are a major pain and I speak from experience.

    And in case they didn't tell you, in cross country you don't have to sprint the entire six miles. You must pace yourself and take it easy, reserving energy for that last few hundred yards. On my team, we jog and sprint that last quarter mile to beat the others. Most cross country  runners spend all their energy in the first three miles, making them much slower in the last half. You must avoid doing this at all costs.

    Hope it helps.

  4. Here is a schedule I came up with. Remember, run easy unless marked otherwise. But don't walk.

    Week 1.

    Sunday: Rest

    Monday: Run for 20 minutes at an easy pace without stopping.

    Tuesday: Run for 20 minutes without stopping.

    Wednesday: Find a hill nearby. Sprint all out for 10 seconds up hill. Do this 5 times.

    Thursday: Run for 25 minutes without stopping.

    Friday: Run for 30 minutes without stopping.

    Saturday: Rest

    Week 2.

    Sunday: Rest

    Monday: Run for 25 minutes at an easy pace without stopping.

    Tuesday: Run for 20 minutes without stopping.

    Wednesday: Find a hill nearby. Sprint all out for 10 seconds up hill. Do this 6 times.

    Thursday: Run for 30 minutes without stopping.

    Friday: Run for 35 minutes without stopping.

    Saturday: Rest

    Week 3.

    Sunday: Rest

    Monday: Run for 25 minutes at an easy pace without stopping.

    Tuesday: Run for 25 minutes without stopping.

    Wednesday: Find a hill nearby. Sprint all out for 15 seconds up hill. Do this 5 times.

    Thursday: Run for 25 minutes without stopping.

    Friday: Run for 40 minutes without stopping.

    Saturday: Rest

    The point of this schedule is to get your body slowly used to running for longer periods of time. You will likely feel terrible and be sore during this, but after your first week of cross country you will feel good. It typically takes about 4 weeks to get in shape.

    Good luck in Cross Country!

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