
Cross Country experience!?

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Ok I got a few questions about this sport. Watch this video.

-Is the audience that big?

-What is the usual time to finish?

-Is a cross country meet like that?

-im a fresh so what time do you think i need to finish

-how far do we run?




  1. -Is the audience that big?

    The audience usually isn't that big. Cross Country isn't the best specator sport seeing as how the runners are gone most of the time. Plus it's not as exciting as say a football game. Usually parents, coaches, and people the school got to help out come to the races, unless you go to races like State or the Mt. SAC invite which is the biggest XC meet in the United States.

    -What is the usual time to finish?

    Don't worry about what the usual finish time is. Just worry about your race. Race hard finish fast. If you can of course. Over time you will get better.

    -Is a cross country meet like that?

    XC meets aren't as boring as that video made it seem. You have friends there and are usually a lot of fun, plus they get you out of class sometimes.

    -im a fresh so what time do you think i need to finish

    Well no one can tell. You can only tell when the first race comes.

    -how far do we run?

    In practice anywhere from 3 to 9 miles, races range usually from 2.7 to 3.1

  2. -the depends on how many friends you can con into varies according to importance.

    -the race times vary, and it depends on what level you are at, Varsity, JV, highschool, junior high

    -yes, it is generally like that.

    -worry about training, not racing yet

    -roughly a 5k in hisghschool(3.125 miles) and any distance in college.

  3. I am about to become a junior in high school, and I have completed 2 years of cross country and beginning my third year. So far I have to say it has been the best experience of my high school "career"

    Personally (maybe this is just my team but...) I find that cross country is more of a team sport where everyone knows each other and we all cheer each other along, unlike Track and Field where the distance guys make fun of the sprint guys who make fun of the shot put guys, and so on.

    In all of the races I have been to, the crowds are usually the same. They cluster around the start and finish, and maybe a couple of spots on the course, but a lot of times there will be "dead zones" where you are alone with other racers, and here you must keep focused on your goal or you can easily just lose it.

    A spectacular freshman time would be in the low 18:00s, but don't expect this unless you are a very good runner in your first year. An average time would be anywhere from 18:00-21:00. Cross country races are 3 miles, so if you really want to predict a sold time to look forward to, take your mile time that you ran in middle school, multiply it by three, and that should probably be a sold time for you. (You will be in better shape then so your mile time will probably be faster, but you still have to run 2 more miles and this compensates for this over calculation. For example, my best mile in middle school mile time was 6:44, and my freshman PR (personal record) was 18:00, but now my mile time is 4:56 and my cross country PR is 16:48.)

    Now the training is very hard for cross country, but you must learn to run the workouts correctly to ensure success in the season. If you say you are going to be a freshman next year, you are probably training for cross country right now. What I mean by run the workouts correctly is if your coach tells you a hard day, you need to push it, even if you don't want to, because that next day will be a recovery day, and those days you want to take it really really easy so body can actually recover from those hard runs.

    Good luck with this and I hope you enjoy your first year of high school!

    If you have any more questions feel free to email me!


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