
Cross country's coming up...

by  |  earlier

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..and I'm soooo scared! I've been running this summer, but I had to take a week and half off due to an injury. The longest run I've ever had was only 60 minutes, and that covered 6-6.67 miles. My friend told me not to worry, and that in the beginning, the coaches start us off easy, but I'm still scared. How can I ease my nerves?




  1. dont be nervous its a relaxed sport

    and to ease nerves- i just talk to my friends about that stuff and they reassure me

  2. you'll be fine just ease back into things, and let your confidence and determination do the rest. To ease nerves sing/hum your favorite song while running, don't worry about trying to beat others, just do your best and that should be enough.

  3. ull do fine. ur minimum will be a 2 mile run when u lift weights.

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