
Cross country and track for next year and i was wondering?

by  |  earlier

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i've been doing yoga for the whole summer and i was wondering might that give me an edge for next year in running??(ive also been doing core training but i mostly only do yoga ) is it a good thing that i do yoga to help with cross country and track?? or do i need to stop and start working more on jogging more ( i thought yoga might help me for the season and its fun)




  1. yoga can be good for stretching purposes and relaxing you. if you are holding positions and it is causing heavier breathing that's good because it will help expand your lungs. it really depends on what you are doing exactly. it may be helping a little bit but i do suggest getting out there and running. start off with a shorter distance and build on that. you can keep up with the yoga too. it won't harm you. seems like you could have a good start. just stick with it and stay in shape. also eat healthy and throw in some cardio exercises. they can be good as well. your team will probably run a lot at practices once the season starts so your running will be better if you start now.

    hope i helped and best of luck!!


  2. Aside from being less likely to be injured and perhaps a respiratory edge I can't see that helping you.

    It certainly will not harm you, but there are much more productive things in the world.

  3. Yoga could help you in the way of flexibility.  Being flexible, along with strength, allows you to be less injury-prone, and may help your stride length.  However, it is not a substitute for running.  Running helps develop lean muscle that yoga won't, or in places it won't at least.  As such, you can use yoga as a cross training activity, or on a rest day, but i wouldn't advise doing it in place of running.

    Hope it helps!


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