
Cross country meet tomorrow! so nervous!!! ?

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ok so tomorrow I have my first XC meet. Its like all the high schools in the state. AND IM SOOOO NERVOUS. for many a lot of people that I want to impress are going to be there...two I REALLY dont want to end up in last place...and three the group from my team that I have to run with during the race and their really fast runners and I cant keep up with them. IM SO SCARED!!! Please can anyone gives me any tips or advice. Thanks in advance!




  1. Don't be scared! If you were scared then whats the point of running, right? But nervous is good, to some point.

    Just relax. And run. Pretend you were the only one running and it was a time trial. No one is watching you, just you and the clock.

    Don't worry about the "last place curse" If you say almost all the high schools in the state are going to be there, then your chances of getting last are like .0000000000000000009%, so don't worry.

    Good luck, and have fun!!

  2. Hey, you say you don't want to get last, but someone has to take that spot. Why shouldn't you? With all due respect, I feel that you should get last. That way its done and over. You got the worst time. Anything else would be a big boost for you and would help improve your self-esteem.

    Just kidding though... If you are a decent runner, you will do fine, but since it is your first, you might end in the bottom third. Just keep your head up no matter where your stand, and don't get cocky if you are up in the top few.

  3. sassdasdsa

  4. Don't worry!  I remember my first xc race.  I was terrified.

    But it was my FIRST race, my coach isn't going to expect me to do amazing (barely anyone does in the beginning of a season).  I just need to try my best.  This was my first race over a 400m.  I just set my goal to finishing.  

    Do whatever feels best.  I would wait til the gun goes off.  If it seems smart to try and stay with the team, go.  You just got to experiment to see what's the best strategy for you !

    Just get into a good pace, if you cant run with the team, run with any other runner and just throw your best kick and fight through pain at the end.

    Getting into a good song helps a lot of runners.  I just blank out my mind.  Just don't stop believing that you can do it.  That's what hurt me most in races.

  5. First of all, try to relax. Don't stress about it and don't get scared. Just do your best, that is all you need to ask of yourself. Trust in yourself and believe that you will do good. The power of positive thinking is amazing.

  6. Dude! I have my first race tomorrow too!  I am a little nervous, but also excited.  I just figure finishing is a huge accomplishment and I will be proud of myself just for that.  If you start to hurt during the race and want to give up or walk just think of the feeling you will have when you cross the finish line and it is all done. You aren't the only nervous one there either.  Good luck

  7. i was in the same exact situation last eyar in a guy way u jsut gotta keep telling urself u can do it and after the start and u egt in to the rac ea  lil bit everything goes away trust me and just run ur pace and keep going i know it soudns simple but it just pans out like that to this day i still get nervous about the races and im running high 12 times so now ima  good runner and sitll ahev these problems u jsut gotaa pull urself through it

  8. keep your head up that way you won't cramp, eat very light foods on race day and make sure to stay hydrated, take an ice bath or hot bath tonight, and make sure to strech and warm up before you run, good luck

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