
Cross handed putting grip?

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I know its when you put your left hand lower on the putter but what do you do with your fingers? Do you overlap, or do baseball grip or something else. Could you explain how to grip it left hand low? Thx




  1. It doesn't matter, once your putting is so bad that you resort to the cross handed grip you are toast.  Overlap, baseball, interlock, grab the wrist, it's all the same - you can't putt.  Think about tennis or fishing as a pastime.

  2. Most people I know who choose to putt cross-handed typically use a baseball grip with a light grip pressure.  I am almost certain, however, that some people might also use an overlap or interlocking grip with the cross hand as well.  Try them all out and see which feels best to you.

  3. I used that grip for many years. However I do not anymore. But it is just a preference thing take your putter out of your bag and at night just put a few balls across your living room just try doing different things with it until you find what is comfortable for you. I used the overlapping grip when I putted cross handed. Best of luck and hit'em straight

  4. You only have three choices in grips on a club. You can interlock, overlap or place 10 fingers on the club ( baseball ).Whether you put left hand low or right hand low one can use either the interlock or overlap. He just intertwines different fingers.

  5. I use the left hand low grip this year.  I start with the right hand (I am right-handed) on the grip first, with the thumb on top of the grip and extended down the grip.  My right hand is normally gripping around the grip.

    My left hand goes on next, and I put the V between the left thumb and palm over the right thumb, so that both thumbs are on top of the grip and extended down the grip top.  Then wrap the fingers around the grip.

    My left pinkie is partially over my right pointer finger.

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