
Cross <span title="country?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">country?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest60530  |  earlier

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hi im going to do cross country this summer and i heard there's practice like every weekday but you dont have to go to all of many times a week should go?? Im new to xcountry and never ran more than a mile and im not that fast either....would it be bad if I go to practice everyday?

oh and i heard its bad to eat like anything with milk in it before practice?? is that true?




  1. I ran cross before! It was really fun, especially riding to the cross country meets. It makes you feel proud of yourself. I usually went every practice to get better and better. It&#039;s not really THAT good to drink milk or sleep before practice. If you get a cramp, you just have to keep going, and jab your fingers right where it hurts. Also you can breath nice and slow, and push out your stomach  while your running. But trust me, it&#039;s the best! To keep your mind off of things, you can also listen to music. During meets, beware running in the woods, because there are roots that you can easily trip on, but it&#039;s funny when other people do! *smirks* :)

  2. Go as much as you feel you need to. it dosent really matter if you are as fast, it matters if you can keep a pace for a long time. it would&#039;nt be bad, at my school we have to go to pratice every day, it just makes you more prepared. make sure you dont trip over tree roots....=]

    im not sure if that is bad. but i know that eating pasta like spagetti is verry good for you before and after you run.

    i&#039;m not sure if i would sleep...

    *good luck!!

  3. no, its not bad to sleep before practice. a lot of runners run in morning after a long nights rest.  start running now so you are in better shape.  remember, set goals

  4. It depends, it is good to go when you feel up to it, but if you dont then just go 2-3 times a week if you are serious, going to cross country isnt bad if it is on a tennis night as long as you dont work too hard, if you seriously cant do them both together and you feel like it is affecting your performance then dont go. I suspect the milk fact is rubbish but try not to eat anything more than 2 hours before practice as it can easily give you cramp, the energy should come (if it is a large run) from the stored sugar in your pancreas so eat lots of carbs and some sugars and make sure you always make up for the physical exertion by eating more (but not too much)

  5. you shouldn&#039;t eat b4 CC...if you do, just a banana or something.

    And you should go to all the practices you can, even though you&#039;re not up with everyone else, you will get in shape faster, and get to know the people and be more motivated.

    stop freaking out!

    my first time too, and i started like you, and it seems so hard, but it&#039;s all in your head. You can make yourself go longer if you just tell yourself you can.

  6. well maybe you should start out taking it easy and try going maybe 3 or 4 days (split the days up dont go to all of them right in a row) and you should start out doing maybe a mile the first day and the the next time you go you should do like 2 miles  and so on and remember go at your own pace take it easy youll get better and faster as you go

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