
Cross-species contagious yawning?

by  |  earlier

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Now, we all know that if a person yawns (or even talks about yawning), then there's a good chance that any nearby people will also yawn. And contagious yawning in animals happens all the time as well, as a kind of warning signal or something. What I'm interested in is cross-specis contagious yawning. Has anyone ever, for example, yawned in front of their pet dog, and had their dog yawn in response? I'm just curious. ^_^




  1. I am prone to catching yawns from other people. However, when one of my cats yawn I feel no inclination to yawn.

    Hope this helps. A very interesting question!

  2. i actually saw this on tv the other day... theyre saying that yes, dogs do indeed fall victim to the contagious yawn.  i havent noticed with my dog, but havent been making a conscious effort to check.. will do so now, though.   *yawn*

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