
Crossbreed issues and people with issues. ?

by Guest32278  |  earlier

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Please explain to me why ppl think crossbreeds shouldn't exist?? They dont all come from a puppy mill (i got mine from a store which prob came from a mill ='[). i am against puppy mills but not the dogs who come from it. my dog is a crossbreed and he has turned out to be wonderful. anyways. this isnt about puppy mills its about cross breeds and why everyone is sooo much against them???




  1. I don't find anyone around my area that is against cross breeds - there are even dogs being sold for hundreds of dollars that are cross bred. like those goldendoodles or dogs crossed between any variety of small breeds...

    They actually are in better health than the overbred, incest bred purebreds... of course, not all breeders are this unethical...

  2. I am not against crossbreeds at all.  I am against the BYB that pump them out, and charge people thousands of dollars for a mixed breed, when there are already thousands of mixed breeds waiting for adoption in shelters.  I am also really against the mixed names.  It's a Maltese/Yorkie, not a Morkie!  Let's call it what it is!

    ADD: You paid purebred price for a mixed breed dog?  Hon, as great as your dog is, you got ripped off.

  3. speaking from a shelter perspective we have seen many cross breeds come in with the worse traits the worse heath problems of both breeds.

    When someone cross breeds two different types of dogs the results many times are disastrous.

    the best case scenario is you get the best of both breeds. since designer breeds have popped up on the scene we have found that is just not the case. It doesn't matter if the dog is called a mutt or a designer breed to cross breed 2 entirely different animals is just wrong.  Any reputable breeder would know that every breed has its bad points as well as its good points. Health issues are paramount when breeding a good quality of dog no matter what the breed. Every dog is distinct and comes by their uniqueness naturally. When a person cross breeds they are messing with nature. If Only G-d can create perfection then why are humans trying to mess with it.

  4. We aren't against crossbreeds, we are against people who breed them.  Responsible breeders do not create more mutts.  They breed to improve the breed and achieve the standard.  There is no standard for mixed breed dogs, therefore nothing to achieve, and it is a genetic roulette what you get out of a breeding.  There are tons of mixed-breeds of every description available in shelters everywhere.  Breeding more only condemns many of those dogs to death.  I have no problem with mixed breeds, I do have a problem with people who BUY them instead of adopting and support the puppy mills and backyard 'greeders' who create them solely to line their own pockets.  

  5. For me personally, and I think a lot of folks on YA, it's not the dog they are against.  As you said, there are wonderful mixed breed dogs in the world.

    What I have the issue with are the folks who intentionally mix 2 breeds, give them a fancy name, call them a "designer breed" and charge a huge price tag for a mutt dog.

  6. I don't think people are against mixbreed dogs.  What people are against are the idiots who are breeding these "designer" breeds which are really just expensive mutts.

    People who think that mutts are inferior are just ignorant.  I can understand feeling a connection to a particular breed.  I have friends who only own Portugese Water Dogs or BC's or Shelties or Dachshunds and don't stray from their chosen breeds, but they don't think others are inferior.

    I got involved in showing dogs because of my mixbreed.  She did so well in class that I was advised to enter her in some obedience shows and I did.  She had a wonderful career and I can only hope that my well bred dachshund does as well as she did.

    I have no qualms about adopting another mixbreed dog from rescue, as a stray or a high kill shelter, but I certainly would never pay big bucks to a breeder for a mix.  

  7. nothing really against puppies,just the way they're handled. I actually find crossbreeds smarter and they tend to have less health problems too.

  8. I don't see the need for them. Why take two beautiful dogs that have been bred towards a purpose or specific goal and ruin all that effort in one swoop! The "designer breeds" just amaze me because of peoples gullibility, I mean really I've seen prices of over a $1000.00 for what can be had at a pound for 300.00 or less.

    I like my pure breed dogs, but if I want a mix I'll go to the pound and find a wonderful dog for a good price and I won't feel as though I'm lining some unscrupulous persons pocket.

  9. Its not the dogs its the people that breed them that we are all against. I think that mixed or crossbreed dogs make wonderful pets. I have one and she is the most loyal little girl in the world. She is a Wired Hair Doxie/Terrier mix. I love her just the same. I think if she was a purebred she wouldnt have the personality that she has now.

  10. Who said anyone had a problem with mutts? I have a mutt myself, and I love her to death. But I do have a problem with people who breed them. The person who bred my dog did not show, health test, or temperament test before they bred. Then, she was sold to a man who chained her outside and beat her before she was thrown in a shelter and I adopted her. This is what happens to most mutts. And people want to breed more? Where's the logic in that?

  11. I have nothing against crossbreeds. ALL dog races are results of crossbreeding, albeit careful and controlled.

    As long as the seller is honest about selling crossbred puppies, I can't see any harm in it, but when a pup is sold as a "German Shepherd" or what have you while it's in fact a mutt, that's pure fraud. Plus it's important to preserve the different races and their standards so you know what you can expect from a dog. If you buy a pup, you'd want to know how big it's going to be, if it will grow a lot of fur, if it's a working or hunting dog or mainly for keeping you company, if it needs a lot of exercise etc. With a mutt, you can end up with a huge, hyper and hairy dog when all you wanted was a nice, calm little lap dog.

    My family had two crossbred dogs during my childhood. One lived to be 17 years old and was a lovely dog, the other was a great dog, too, but was unfortunately run over by a truck at age 4. I've had purebred dogs ever since but wouldn't say they're "better" than other dogs.

  12. I have 6 dogs, 2 mix breeds that t I have no issues with.

    Some people seem to forget that most breeds  wouldn't be here if nobody ever cross breed. Selective out crossing has helped save some breeds from extinction. The Irish Wolfhound is a good example of this.

  13. First off =who is every body?Most people who have ever loved a dog ether have a mutt in there life or have had one they have loved in there past.Sounds like you are around the wrong people.I have knowen and loved some out standing mutts and trained them just as well as my pure blooded Rotts.Its not the dog in the body that counts its the amount of time you have put in to that dog to bring out the best in each indivual that counts.If you are happy and love your dog,nothing any body has to say should matter.Enjoy your pet .love your pet for it will be there long after these negative people have gone away.Tilks Mom

  14. i love my crossbreed.

    great bernard baby!!!

    but if you're against puppy mills you wouldnt buy from a store.

    buying form them to save a dog or puppy just encourages them to breed more.

  15. I have an issue with it because the dogs are c**p.  They take two poorly bred dogs, and breed them to get more crappy dogs.

    I had two "crossbreeds"... one has health issues and the other was a raging lunatic who had to be put down because she was afraid of LIFE ITSELF and would bite anyone who came near her.

  16. Like everyone else here, I'm not against the dogs, but the people who breed them, and then the people who perpetuate the breeding by buying them. If you're going to spend money on a mixed breed, why not just adopt a mixed breed from the pound? The more people keep buying these "designer breeds" the more puppy mills are going to keep breeding them. Shelters are overcrowded with mixed breeds that need good homes. Why should people keep purposely breeding them except for the promise of making money!

  17. OMG i totally agree its just another type of dog what so bad about it  . . . . . .  i want to get a poodle mixed and everyone is like ooh dont get a crossbreed I WANT TO

  18. You are getting the wrong impression.  We are not against crossbreeds or mutts.  They can be wonderful pets.  What we are against are people who purposely mix breeds together and charge a fortune for them.  Giving them fancy nonsensical names.  These people claim that what they get are dogs with the best aspects of each of the breeds.  When in fact, what the dogs inherit can be anything.  Maybe the worst aspects of each breed or mixture of such.  There will always be mixed breeds.  coming from accidents, irresponsible owners, etc.  These can be obtained from the shelters at reasonable costs with the added benefit of saving a life.  

    Responsible breeders do genetic testing,  Put their dogs into competition to ensure that what they are breeding are the best that is available.  I personally prefer dogs from working lines that put emphasis on temperament and trainability.  I would rather have a dog with a great temperament and a minor flaw physically (such as too long a nose or not the right shaped ears) than a perfect physical specimen.  But these can be obtained from show breeders also. They are sold as pet quality.  Only a small percentage of even the best bred dogs are worthy of being bred.  

    I would guess that almost all of the people on YA that denounce breeding mixed breeds either have had or have a "mutt(s)" in their family that they love and care for every bit as much as the "purebred".

  19. I definitely don't have a problem with mixed breeds.  One of my best dogs ever when I was a kid was a sweet little girl that we kept from the litter when a neighbor's pom got to our poodle (oops).  (And yes, my mom had the poodle spayed right after the pups were weaned.)  But my point is, never once in the 14 years we had her was she ever referred to as a "Pomeroodle", or a "Pooderanian" or anything of the sort.

    What I do have a problem with are the people who deliberately breed the 'designer mutts', give them cutesey names (sorry, but a "laboradoodle" is not a breed, a mix is a mix) and sell them for hundreds of dollars.  There are so many dogs and puppies out there that need homes (both mixes and purebreds) that it just amazes me how people still pay BYB's and puppy mills money for them.

    Yes, breeds can and have been created by crosses but carefully and over several generations, not by people like you and me.  Bottom line is, until the AKC or UKC or some other similar entity sanctions a "Cockapoo", until them it is a cocker/poodle mix, and not a breed.  

  20. Simple, the shelters are filled with mutts, we are not against them just against people purposely breeding them for cash, if people would be more responsible and fix their animals which they don't plan on showing/working then there would not be the big problem of millions of shelter animals being put to sleep. IF people would not buy mixed breed dogs and go to shelters back yard breeders would get the hint that they can not make money off of their mutts  

  21. you obviously don't understand. no one is against mutts. people however are against the idiots who intentionally breed them. I'm sorry but breeding should only be done to better the breed, and how i ask you, are you bettering a mutt by breeding it. people only breed mutts intentionally so they can make a quick buck. they fool people by telling them "all labradoodles are hypoallergenic" and bull c**p like that when we all know its not true. no one has a problem with mutts. but when you go to a breeder to find a dog you could probably find in a shelter, now that's wrong. or when you breed the so called "puggle" the mix of a breed with respiratory problems with a breed who is so d**n energetic, and is a hound constantly wanting to sniff, its just not ethical. its stupid, like i said no one has problems with mutts. i have two myself but i do have problems with people who breed mutts intentionally. its not right. and it shouldnt be done

    EDIT: i never accused you of breeding.

  22. Before a dog is bred it should be/have:

    1. a conformation and-or field championship

    2. all heath and genetic tests appropriate for the breed

    I have yet to find any purposely bred cross bred dog who's parents have either of the above, let alone both.

  23. You don't have a schnoodle you have a Poodle/Schnauzer mix. It is a mixed breed dog, not a pure bred dog. I have no problem with mixed breed dogs at all. What I have a problem with is people who breed or sell mixed breed dogs for the same price as a purebred dog when their are thousands upon thousands of mix breeds in animal shelters all over the world. If you want a purebred dog find a RESPONSIBLE breeder and get it their or look at your local animals shleter. Sometimes they have purebred dogs. If you want a mix breed dog, save the money go to a shelter and spend what you save on obedience and toys. Buy buying dogs from pet stores, puppy mills, or irresponsible breeders, you encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. By getting a dog from a shelter you are saving a life.

    No one is against mixed breed dogs, just where people get them and the fact that people breed them irresponsibly. Also that people act as if the Cockapoo, Schnoodle or other supposed designer dog is something special. No dog mixed or pure is any more special than any other dog. But call it what it is. A mix breed, a mutt whatever. Next time go to a shelter, no one will fault you for that.

  24. Because nobody wants them and they end up at shelters or pounds to die. the point is that mutts are mutts. puppymills are horrible, and its selfish of people to breed mutts BECAUSE they are gonna end up  in a pound for sure. and then they kill them from there. Go on youtube or google or some other search engine and put in the search bar . "puppymills"..or "unwanted mutts"..

    People with hearts and a working brain think it's wrong. because it IS.

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