
Crossing the road, is it safe?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Canada, I don't know if it just me who notice this, but I see this everyday. I live in Ottawa, Ontario and when Iam corssing the road, the vehicles also gets the green ligh to turn, but almost all of the drivers do not look out for the pedestrians and I have seen the vehecles turn just about a feet from my feet. The other thing is the parking lots near the shopping malls. The other day when I was crossing the parking lot to the store on the yellow line, a vehicle just passed near me with queit a speed. The sign clearly says 'watch out for pedestrians'.

What do you have to say about this issue?

Thanks in advance!




  1. I say we need to examine the chicken.  Why did the chicken cross the road?  If we could just fugure out why the chicken did it and better yet... how the chicken did it, then the solution would be right in front of us.

    Was it to get to the other side?... Was it to prove he wasn't chicken?... the world needs to know and I think your question just may inspire a fuller understanding of why we cross roads!

  2. Same problem in NYC.  That's why we cross the streets in packs!  :)  Unfortunately there's nothing you CAN do, except watch out for stupid people.  If someone in a nice car does it, don't get out of the way.  Jump straight up and land on the hood. (if your feet are on the ground you're going to have broken legs.)  At the very least it'll give them a real good scare so they won't do it ever again, and maybe you'll get a settlement out of it.

  3. Cause they're stupid, not thinking clearly and have no idea of the rules of the road.

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