Please can I have the answers to this crossword as soon as possible?
The number in the brackets is the number of letter the answer contains.
Please answer the maximum number of answers you know. In case you are not sure of the answer, please mark it with a *.
1. Be too late for (4)
8. Orderly, well-planned (10)
9. Be wary of (8)
10. Animal's den (4)
12. Buddhist temple (6)
14. Indicate, signify (6)
15. Heavy ship's rope (6)
17. New Zealand butterfish (6)
18. Burn, scorch (4)
19. Give official approval for (8)
21. Insisted on (10)
22. Circular Mongolian tent (4)
2. Supervise an examination (10)
3. Fungal disease of cereals (4)
4. Swelling of the thyroid gland (6)
5. Dashed off (6)
6. Between the earth and the moon (8)
7. Speak indistinctly (4)
11. Uninvited guest (10)
13. Like a goose (8)
16. Grid, network (6)
17. Membrane covering the brain (6)
18. Coarsely-ground Indian corn (4)
20. Red-throated insectivorous Caribbean bird (4)
Thanks a lot!