
Crow problem?

by Guest66551  |  earlier

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We have two crows that are in the neighbourhood. Everymorning bright and early they start cawing. It is really annoying and loud, is there any way to get rid of them. Without hurting or killing them?




  1. As the others have suggested, put a fake Owl or other Bird Of Prey on the roof of your house, or better yet, on the same branch the crows sit on or are nearby.  The better the "fake bird" the better it will scare off the Crows.  Crows are very intelligent birds.  You can try one of the cheap blow-up type fake birds, but it might not work.  Put up several fake Owls in different locations for optimum effect.

  2. I have the same problem!! But unfortunately for me it is more than one crow. The fake owl thing would work very well.

  3. Birds are  territorial so most likely they have a nest in the area.  No way of getting a bird away from it's nest until the babies fledge.  They may move on once they have babies out of the nest..but until then there is really not much you can do to stop nature.  You can certainly work with it by using ear plugs, a white noise machine, fan, or any combination to drown out the noise they make.  Also, keep in mind all wild native birds are protected by law..they cannot be harmed, harassed or killed.

  4. Turn some hungry cats loose.

  5. get a fake owl with motion sensor.. put it up some where leave it on.

  6. Not really.  Those fake owl things never work.  

    What you need to do is re-asses your values.  I have crows around my property all the time and I like it.  Enjoy nature instead of being negative about it.  If you really think about it, it is pretty shallow to be annoyed by the calls of a crow or the singing of a mockingbird.  After all, the sounds they make are not really considered noise and cant be considered noise pollution.

    You wanna complain about noise?  Have them put an end the the making of rap "music".

  7. Move into the city if you don't like country sounds.
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