
Crucible Characters compared to arthur millers life??

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Yeah i need to know how the people in the crucible compare to people in arther millers life. Any web links to pages that can help are helpful. Thanks in advance.




  1. Arthur Miller was implicated in the McCarthy trials, so much of the Crucible is his reflection of the Communist witch hunts of the 1950's.

  2. Agreed with the first. The crucible was meant to be a satire about the communist hysteria perpetuated during the 50s  also known as McCarthyism. So anyone accused of being a witch in the book are parallels of the people who were accused as a communist at the time. Also the group of judges that were in the trial could be synonymous to the House of Representatives' Committee of Un-American Activities. Abigail and the other people who accused and made the situation spiral out of control could be Sen. Joseph McCarthy,  who made a number of unsubstantiated accusations of people being Communist and Soviet sympathizers and spies.

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