
Crucified frog .. what about your opinion ?

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Italy museum defies pope anger over crucified frog



ROME (AP) — An art museum in northern Italy said Thursday it will continue displaying a sculpture portraying a green frog nailed to a cross that has angered Pope Benedict XVI and local officials.

The board of the foundation of the Museion in the city of Bolzano voted to keep the work by the late German artist Martin Kippenberger, the museum said in a statement.

Earlier in August the pope had written a letter to Franz Pahl, the president of the Trentino-Alto Adige region that includes Bolzano, denouncing the sculpture.

It "has offended the religious feelings of many people who consider the cross a symbol of God's love and of our redemption," Pahl quoted the pope as writing in the letter.

Pahl himself has long opposed the display of "Zuerst die Fuesse" ("First the Feet" in German), even staging a hunger strike this summer and saying he would not seek re-election unless it was removed.

In a telephone interview with The Associated Press on Thursday, Pahl said he was outraged by the museum's decision to keep the work, which he claims "pokes fun at the Catholic population and offends religion and the pope."

The 1990 wooden sculpture shows the crucified frog nailed through the feet and hands like Jesus Christ. The frog, eyes popping and tongue sticking out, wears a loincloth and holds a mug of beer and an egg in its hands.

The museum said the 3-foot (1-meter) -tall sculpture has nothing to do with religion, but is an ironic self-portrait of the artist and an expression of his angst.

"With humor and a tragicomic sense, which belongs to art since the times of Greek tragedy, Kippenberger ... faces his condition of suffering, which he expresses in many works, also, for example, in a video in which he crucifies himself," the museum said in a statement.

Born in Dortmund, Kippenberger moved from painting and sculpture to work in all mediums, often combining elements of Neo-expressionism, Pop and Dadaism. His art has been displayed across the world, including Zurich, Paris, Jerusalem, London and New York.

He died in 1997, aged 43.




  1. It's the reaction to it I take note of...

    No one is rioting over it.

    Davage, that had to be the most uninformed summary of Christ's crucifixion..

    He was not crucified for blasphemy, He was crucified under Roman law for treason (declaring Himself King of the Jews), a threat to the Roman emperor. The two He was executed with were common thieves and trouble makers.

  2. The Pope is just drawing attention to it by making such a big deal.

    It is clear that the some religions have problems withstanding parody.

  3. Bad art, worse pope.

  4. Doesn't surprise me. Catholics are notorious for interfering in art.

  5. How many thousands did the Romans alone crucify?  So why does the church seek to claim it as blasphemous then?

    Surely all they do is make themselves and Christianity look ridiculous and by using god's name to condemn it then surely that is blasphemy itself and does the bible not say that blasphemy in an unpardonable sin?!!

    Wow I wonder if that means the Pope Will not get into heaven?!!

  6. Already read it, I think it is awesome.

  7. Do christians think they have a copy write on crucification? crucification was the electrical chair/lethal injection during that period of time. Jesus was killed like a common criminal for blasphemy, claiming he was divine. Right next to a rapist, and a person who had s*x before marriage, and a guy who did work on the sabbath.  

  8. This Kippenwhoever is just plain nuts. And they call it Art??

  9. Honestly I don't consider it art. I would destroy it. And yes I know people think that makes me narrow minded but I really don't care.  

  10. Typical superstitious bigotry...  The fact that the frog may offend the religious sentiments of believers is precisely the point.  The continued existence of the Catholic church, after committing centuries of outrageous human rights abuses in the name of their imaginary God obviously offends the artist's sentiments, as it certainly offends mine.  It's time for the religious to finally realize that they have no right to inflict their asinine superstitions upon the rest of us.  Personally, I think the frog is bad art, but no one -- least of all the leader of a notorously superstitious cult dedicated to preventing and undermining human progress -- has the right to have it removed.  Leave art to the artists and keep all chronically intolerant superstitious old fools away from making public policy.  The Pope has a right to his own opinion, nothing more.

  11. That frog died for our sins!  Bible says so.  Mine anyway.

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