
Crucifix jewellery for non Christians?

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Do you think that Christians should have the exclusive right to wear crucifix jewellery such as necklaces? My friend in Japan always wears a cross because she says it looks nice, but an American Christian lady told her not to do it as it "wasn't right".

What do you think?




  1. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but honestly, anyone who wants to has the right to wear a symbol of an instrument of torture and death.  

  2. Personally I always though a dead jewish man nailed to a lower case t worn as a necklace was pretty disgusting.

  3. How else are non-Christians supposed to ward off vampires?

  4. I think it would  be easier to tell who is christian  if only  christians  wore them  I do not  it sis mainly Catholic that do  but yes I tend to presume  those wearing a crucifix are catholic.

  5. the shape of a cross has been around alot longer than Christianity.

    the cross is just a shape

    anyone has the right to wear it

  6. I know all about how persons in Japan like to wear anything that they think is western ideas.  Sure they think that cross is really cute and makes a nice piece of neck wear.  However, most of them have no idea what it represents.  I told a young lady in Yokohama, Japan about 8 years ago who was wearing a cross around her neck that it represented some really terrible things, e.g. the n**i, and when I told her it is the ensigna of catholics, that is when she removed it.  The she told me, "Are you telling me that I have worn this thing for over three years and it represents the catholic religion?"  I saw her about a week later and she was not wearing it, and when I asked about it, she told me that she took it back to the dealer where she bought it and sold it back at a discount.  Is it any wonder that the n***s used the same ensigna as the catholic church?  They both had some really bad habits long ago, and the church started first. BTW, "illyann" what kind of Japanese name is Tyrika Tiga Tstsugo.  The Japanese do not use middle names, and that first name is really suspect.  Write it out phonetically and send to me.  Will you ''

  7. y not? just wear it...

    now why you want to wear it is beyond me tho......

  8. I don't think real Christians should wear torture and murdering devices around their necks, even though you can get very nice guillotines in gold and silver.

    There is a great 3 part audio message from Scott A Johnson who looks at the differences between the 'Cross of Christ' and the 'Accursed Tree' of the Bible. He examines the cross symbol (in various forms) that has been used both as a religious symbol and as an ornament from the dawn of man's civilization.

  9. If you want to wear a cross go ahead.  I do know it symbolizes Jesus.  Well it used to.  I guess it could have lost its meaning like christmas and easter.  I don't assume anyone who is wearing a cross is christian but I know I would wear one to show people I was.  

  10. I never understood why you people wear them anyway.  "Lets wear a picture of our murdered and tortured leader AS he is being tortured and murdered".

    That's probably why jesus hasn't come back.  He takes one look at people worshiping his crucifixion and says, "no way am I falling for that again!"

  11. Westerners stole and perverted the swastika - this is just a tiny bit of payback in comparison.

  12. Tell your friend to stand up for herself and explain that her Japanese self is embracing the culture of the youth and this is not a cross it is a T.  And her name is Tyrika Tiga Tatsugo.  it's just a symbol of her name. Yo!

  13. I think its a free world, the cross isn't the churches original symbol anyways.  The swastika was also a christian symbol.  As was the tau cross. etc.  Christians don't own the cross they weren't even the first religion to use it.

    I have a pagan friend that is a metal worker who made a crucifix with a model of herself naked on the cross.  She spent upwards of 120 hours working on it, it was an amazing piece of art, she still wears it to this day.  I'd love to have one too, even though I have the body of a god (buddha) I still just don't think it would be as nice or tasteful as hers.

    Edit: Wearing a cross in the US generally signifies you as being a christian, wearing a cross in japan, not at all.  Entirely different culture.

  14. In Japan, wearing crosses is popular with the Elegant Gothic Lolita fashion that takes it's cue from Victorian mourning clothing - and that may be (although not exclusively) where the wearing of crosses comes from. Japan has a very low percentage of Christians.

    I do not think that non-Christians cannot wear crosses but again, these things happen when people are unfamiliar with the meaning behind something or are and do not care.

    The bottom line is that if a person chooses to wear a cross or a crucifix then they must prepare to give an account for it. Mostly, no one will question it - but as with all things in life, it's best to know what you are doing.

  15. No Christians should not have exclusive rights to wear any type of jewelry.

    There are many different types of crosses, a crucifix is one that has a human form of a man representing Jesus Christ.  

    Many people claim to be Christians and are not..whether or not they wear a cross is not our business.

    Many people enjoy wearing symbols of any type...they think they are cool.

    Perhaps this "american christian lady" didn't really know how to communicate.  If spirituality was an issue for this woman, perhaps she should have asked what your friend in Japan what the cross meant...that could have opened the door for a spiritual conversation insead of slamming one shut.

  16. No it does not bother me, I wear one as I am Christian Catholic. Yes I have seen those that wear them for fashion as long as somebody is not using the Crucifix for purposes of disrespect it does not bother me at all.

    This is what I call disrespect of the Crucifix,

  17. Wearing a cross usually lets people know you are a Christain. If you are not a Christian and don't mind that a lot of people will mistakenly think you are, then go ahead and wear one.

  18. If Americans can get tattoos of Kanji phrases just because they look nice, then Japanese (or Nihonjin, as it were) can wear western symbols just because they look nice.

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