In my karate class there is this one little girl she is like 8-9 or something but she is messed up. (I am 16) She is so vile and nasty bullies the other kids outside of class (held one girl down and cut her hair off, then she came crying to the teacher saying she was trying to help the girl but it went horribly wrong and teacher just ate it up) But thing is during class she is a perfect angel. She will always say "good morning teacher, I hope you are well today. She never causes trouble durring class, she will always ask highly inteligent questions. It is horrible next to me shhe is teachers favorite. I told him my "concerns" and he looked into them but none of the girls will speak up they are all between 5-6. After the "haircut" it took 3 months for the little girl to tell me what truly happened. I can't video tape her. BUT HELP- oh if I go to the girls parents acusing their daughter with out any prook that will end very badly. Because they try to be good parents but they will take their daughters side over anything a stranger says. Please Help!
oh trust me I tried during a fight I "accidently" forgot she was younger then me and gave her a royal pounding, until teacher made me forfeit. (rats) not the mature response but I didn't make her bleed or anything I just kept throwing her down to the floor (there were mats) hard until she got the wind knocked out of her. Nobody ever catches her because she always does things out of sight from the adults (for awhile she even had lookouts but I recognized them to easily so she stopped) She will always tell part of the truth and make her seem like it was an acident by admiting it before the poor victim gets a chance to talk. All of her victims are 5-6 and are the shy girls who are too afraid to speak up. have told the teacher what I know but he can't find anything wrong with her, because she has also been more sneaky then ever and has manipulated girls into saying that they hurt themselves (while she is helping them fix up their boo boos- looking like a saint- it makes me sick)