
Cruise Expensive or No?

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I'm just curious what the average amount is that people spend while on the cruise, not including the cost of the ticket. I'm fixing to go on one to the carribeans for 5 days and 4 nights, and I'm wondering what I should expect to spend between parking, drinks, etc.




  1. I go every year and plan I spending at least! $1000 on pictures, excursions (for two people at every port of call), souvenirs, and alcohol ( I drink a lot!). That's just for the on board sail and sign account. I also take about $500 to $ 600 spending money for off the boat, ( restaurants, gambling, and tips.)

    Its worth it to me it is sooo much fun! And the Caribbean is beautiful! Enjoy yourself!  Have fun!

  2. A LOT! My family just came back from one and it had to be at least $5,000

  3. Not including the price of the cruise and the airfare, my wife and I spent about $1,300 for a 7-night caribbean cruise in March.

    Drinks average between $3 and $5 for beers and between $4 and $8 for mixed drinks on Royal Caribbean. Also, gourmet coffees and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream cost a few additional $$ as well.

    If you drink Coke, then you would be wise to do the one price, up front thing. You get a cool mug, but you can get cokes anywhere on the ship at no additional cost after that.

    We flew in to Ft. Lauderdale, but I understand most cruise lines have parking areas at the ports, which from what I've seen, run about $20 to $30 per day.

    As for excursions off the ship, expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $200, depending on what you want to do.

    When you book a cruise, they will send you a list of all the excursions at all the ports, so take the time to read them over and pick some you want to do, if any, and then budget for them in your account.

    As for shopping in the ports, many of the larger stores will take credit cards, but places like Jamaica and Cozumel, you can barter on will get stuff way cheap!!!!

    Royal Caribbean has what they call a SeaPass card, which you use to make any purchases for drinks, etc, on the ship. You have to create an account with them before you leave, so that they can bill your purchases to the account.

    I would recommend about $700 to $800 for that, just to be on the safe side. We budgeted $700 and spend about $600, which included all our drinks, other purchases on the ship and the excursions we picked.

    Also, don't forget to budget about $200 for tips at the end of the cruise. You can give what you want, but the ship you take will recommend an amount and should provide envelopes to give them to the proper staff.

    Hope this helps!!!  Have a great time!

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