
Cruise Tips Anyone?

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What are some Must have's for going on a caribbean cruise? I have always wanted to go one one and finally get to go. What items are best for packing?




  1. bring a bunch of swimsuits... thats about it... sun block

  2. Passport.

  3. Dont need much. If you like the spirits...smuggle it onboard. The industry makes beaucoup selling $5 beers and glasses of wine. Probably more now. Have fun.

  4. follow the wx    hot is hot ,,,, some take a tux some a suit ,, slacks  and casual,,,, the have one dress up nite,, if over 7 days then the rest is smart casual look at the cruise company they will tell you in there web site

  5. Sometimes you might get off at a port that may look groaty from the outside but try to move around the island and see what the island is all about

  6. Bring swim suits, light clothing, shorts, sun dress's, nice straw hat, comfy shoes
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