
Cruise control downhilll?

by  |  earlier

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No, not about the best movie of all time, Speed 2. I'm just wondering what happens when you're driving in cruise control and going down a hill? I can tell the car slows down, but does it brake, hold back gas, and does the brake light show (would think not). I know not to use it on hills, but I'm just curious what happens going downhill.




  1. If you are going down hill with the cruise on, The breaks will not be applied the break lights will not come on, The accelerator will go into the idle position letting the vehicle coast. Deepening on the grade of the hill the car can speed up costing that is.      The person before me does NOT  know what he is talking about!!!!!!!!!     Cruise control Does NOT apply the breaks!!!

  2. Actually, there is no reason not to use it on hills.  Depending on the type of car, the specifics may vary, but in most cases it will gently apply the breaks and adjust the gas pedal, much more precisely than you can, saving you from having to reaccelerate at the bottom and use more fuel.

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