
Cruise deck plan question?

by Guest66996  |  earlier

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If i am on the Riviera Deck ( The Bottom Deck ) on the carnival valor, how close i am to the water? Also, which passenger deck is the most noisy? Which deck do you prefer? Thanks.

- Jake




  1. how long is your trip?  if you ar just going for 3 to 4 days then it would be ok, but if you are going for one week i would consider spending that extra money and getting at least on a deck higher.  the reason is this,  the lower deck while still above water is wher you are going to feel the most.  if you cant pay for the higher level then make sure that you are not at the front of the ship but at mid level or back.  while it is true that you will only spend a small amount of time in the cabin you will be showering, sleeping etc

  2. There are still crew quarters under you. You are about 20-30 ft above the water. No worries. Every deck has noisy areas ie. elevators, under bars or theatres. I do not care which deck I am on, however since I am sensitive to motion sickness, I prefer to be midship (from bow (front) to stern (back)) as the motion is the least noticable there. I sailed on the Valor for my third cruise. We had an amazing time. Bon Voyage.

  3. The rivera deck is a good deck for the money. Crews can be found underneath you. The noisy deck is usually the one where the dance clubs are or the dining rooms. You shouldnt have nothing the worry about though because that a few decks up from you.

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