
Cruise or Orlando?

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What do you think is better? Takinq a cruise to the Bahamas or qoinq to Orlando & qo to ALL the theme parks? & why?




  1. Carnaval cruise departs out of Orlando to the Bahamas and other cities for a week cruise. So you could hit 2 birds with one stone!

  2. this time a year you'd have to wait an hour for each ride in orlando. i'd pick a cruise it is way funner

  3. Just think...  

    I've been to both before so they were both awsome just think what you will do what do you want more?

    what will you do on the cruise??

    -see dolphins



    -warm white sand



    -night clubs


    -palm trees

  4. jolie be good

  5. cruise cause it last longer!!!!!!!!!

  6. Cruise

  7. Going on a cruise is the best choice. I went on a cruise to the Bahamas last year on The Freedom of the Seas. Frigin fantastic!

  8. crise to the bahamas bcuz it is way more relaxing and it would be a more better experience

  9. cruise because ive been on one and been to orlando cruise is better in my opinion and it last longer :D

  10. Depends your personailty. If you are mor laid back but still are wanting some quicker fast paced fun I would say cruise! Its a great way to relax and also there are options for going out and finding new experiences such as scuba diving or touring. If you want faster paced fun with more crowds I would say theme park especially if you have kids! What is your age?

  11. Bahamas. Your target will be one place. Going to all the parks is exhausting and extremely hard money wise. You'll be on a tight schedule the whole way through; Bahamas is a more serene place without all the hustle and bustle.

  12. Well I go to Orlando every year because my family has a timeshare at one of the resorts there and while it is getting slightly boring for me, there are millions of things to do and lots of parks that always have new rides coming out, so I say Orlando wins.

    I haven't taken a cruise yet but plan on taking one next summer. If you choose this you should go on Royal Cartibbean's Freedom of the Seas because it is the biggest and most family friendly boat in the world. I have gone to the Bahamas without a cruise and it was pretty fun, but its only for the type of people who love the beach and maybe like some caribbean culture, because there isn't really much to do there except swim, snorkel, and shop. The views are breathtaking, however, and the natives are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.

  13. cruise    get out there,,, more fun and good food ,, plus nice shows... have a good time

  14. Whatever you do don't take an Italian cruiseline. The food is horrible! On a cruise you can get sea sick. In Orlando you are in the same place every day.

  15. i say cruise to the bahamas and why? because i've taken one before and its fantastic! you'll have lots of fun and it last a little while.
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