
Cruise reservation deposit refund question?

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So I decided to make a fully refundable deposit for $500 with a cruise travel agent to keep a low price. Well I found a lower price and decided to cancel my deposit. Before I cancelled my deposit, I saw that $1000 was pending on my card from the cruise line for the reservation. So I told my agent about the $1000 and that I wanted it all fully refunded. She said that the extra $500 was due to the cruise lines mistake and that it shouldn't go through past pending because they would catch it, and that she would take care of it if it did. And she also said that it would take up to 2 billing cycles for my refund! isn't that 2 months? When she said refundable I assumed immediately.

Now the charges to my credit card are not pending, and the full $1000 is billed to my credit card. I emailed the agent and she said that she did all she can and I'll get a refund shortly...

I cannot wait 2 months for this refund since it is the card I am purchasing the cruise on! What can I do??




  1. This is not the agents fault. One of the reasons to go with an agency is because if there is a problem, they will do everything in their power to correct it, in some cases there is not much they can do. My agent is very experienced and works with the companies she deals with on a daily basis. Because of this she has got the travel companies to do things that I know I would have never been able to do. (I once had to cancel an entire vacation because of family illness and had not purchased travel insurance yet. She was able to get the whole trip completely refunded, including non-refundable air tickets, I've worked with these type companies before and unless you work with them a lot it is very unlikely you will be able to get them to do this type thing) Just don't be upset with your agent, these companies do these type things all the time, one of the worst can be Disney, they make a ton of mistakes.

    Now, that being said, here is a little more info. The agent did not make the charge, so they are not able to handle how it is refunded or anything like that, this is done through your cruise line. So you know that it is not your agent trying to take your money or anything like that.

    Concerning the credit, any time you make a purchase with a credit card, if you refund that money it can take up to two billing cylces to get the money refunded to your card. Even if you go to your local store and return something, it can take that long. It has nothing to do with either party involved here. The money has to first be refunded by the cruise line to the credit card company, than from the credit card company to post to your account. It will depend on what point you are in your billing cylce now when you will actually get the money credited back. If you are right at the end, it can take a little longer. However, most of the time it does not take but a week or so. If you do your billing online or you are able to check your account online, that will help. You can see when the credit is posted to your account and actually available before they mail your bill out to you. This way you will have up to the minute info. (I've had a bill come in before saying I owed money, but when I checked my online account it showed a credit was posted and I actually had more than what was due in my account so I didn't have to pay the bill. Had I of paid the bill, I would have had more credit on my account)

    Don't get too worried, you should get your refund soon, but it can take some time. Have you confirmed with your agent that she is not able to meet the price? Your cruise line may be offerring a promotion and she may be able to get it to avoid all the extra work for both of you? I don't mean to upset you, worry you or scare you in any way, but I just want to make sure that you realize that the lower price you have found could go up if you wait for the credit to be put on your account. I'm not sure of where you found the lower price, what line you are going with, etc. but there is a chance, so if you are able to put your deposit on now, you will be able to lock the lower rate in to be on the safe side.

    I hope that this answers all your questions. Good luck with everything!

  2. Did you read your contract?  It likely says that they have two billing cycles to give you a refund.  You can talk to your credit card company about it; they may let you dispute the charge.  Did you find the lower price through the agent?  If not, she will be no help, as you are taking business away from her.

  3. She sounds like a scam artist ! Get a lawyer !

  4. Tell her you will report her agency to the Better Business Bureau unless you get an immediate refund.

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